Test time

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Travis looked absolutely petrified while we were in the office. It was like a whole new emotion that he learnt, I've never seen him like that before. I wonder why he is so scared of his dad? I'm never scared around my dad because I know he loves and trusts me but Travis is like a whole new person around his dad. He really drops the whole bully thing, he's shaky, scared and lonely.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm pounding like it's trying to create an alert in my head.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME SLEEP MORE" I scream, I pound the alarm clocks 'snooze' button as hard as I can but immediately regret it. My arm aches in pain as it seems to remember all the trauma it was put through yesterday. Kicks, punches, stomps, what didn't happen to my arm would have a smaller list.

I wake up to see Gizmo curled up on my lap

"Hey gizzy, good morning" I whisper calmly, it's the best thing ever to wake up to him, he's the cutest guy in the world. I slowly get out of bed as to not disturb him more from his peaceful slumber.


"Yo Larry the fuck are you? It's already 8:20, we're gonna be late to school if you don't hurry the fuck up" I shout.

"Give me a minute dude, just changing clothes. Don't think the school would like it if I just pulled up smelling like weed."

"You're smoking again? I thought you were gonna try and quit?"

"I did, it's too hard bro. Once you've started it's impossible to stop, you don't understand dude"

"Yeah sure mr 24/7 bloodshot eyes."

As Larry opens the door, him and I start walking to school. It's a peaceful sunny morning with a cool breeze. I swear I could almost hear birds chirping. Well, that was until someone showed up.

"Hey fag, I'm a mind reader! I can tell what you're thinking about right now" I say, pulling a poker face as to not laugh.

"Yeah Travis? Sure you can, try your best buddy"

"Well, it's definitely NOT women" I chuckle and burst out laughing. I can see Sal start to get embarrassed. I've gotten really good at reading his emotions through the mask, all that staring at him really is worth something.

The bell rings and I hurry along to class as to not say something that might get me punished later on. I start walking, more excited than usual to get to class but all of that happiness comes crashing down as I realise the class I have is math, we have a math test today.

Phew, math is the first lesson of the day. I know I'm going to pass the test so there's no need to worry about it, I don't like to brag but I'm definitely one of the smartest people in my class when it comes to math. It all just kinda makes sense to me.

As I walk into class and take my seat I see a relaxed Travis staring at me, almost as if he was- zoning out? Maybe my eyes are deceiving me? Nevertheless, mrs Packerton hands out the test and we all start writing.

"Miss, I'm done" I whisper. I slowly hand up my test and go back to my seat, I really didn't feel like doing anything else so I just fell asleep on my desk, out like a light.

As mrs Packerton starts to hand out the tests I panic. Why couldn't the test be another day? I'm not prepared at all! I couldn't study last night because I passed out and all of a sudden I'm supposed to remember to study for a test? When these results get back, I'm so fucked.

I start on the questions but none of them make sense at all. I wish I was like Sal! The perfect, genius kid of the class who gets straight A's in math. Wait did I just complement Sal? He's a good for nothing homo, I can't respect people like him! Yet something about him is so... admirable?

I can't help but stare at him, he just finished the test and went out like a light. I wonder if he's been sleeping properly lately? Probably not, he seems like he's going through a lot. I'm definitely not making things any better.

"Mr Fisher wake up please!! You must stay awake for the remainder of this lesson" mrs packerton says as politely as possible.

"But miss, I already finished my test"

"I know honey and you aced it, just try to stay awake okay?"

"AND MR PHELPS, EYES ON YOUR OWN PAPER" She shouts, I grunt in response and roll my eyes at her- who listens to teachers anyways? I try my best to finish as many questions as I can but my lack of care for math practice and revision is really taking its toll on my abilities right now.

"Aaaand that's the end of the lesson, hand in your papers finished or not everyone!!"

Fuck. I'm so fucking dead. I hand in my paper with a look of disappointment on my face, this is going to be a long day.

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