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Christian's POV

"Where is your family Chris?" Hearing these words come out of Crystal's mouth bought up feelings I thought I had buried. My glare on the TV was hard, I'm sure the blood rushing to my face made me look red. Talking about my family is something I thought I never have to speak about again. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." Her voice was calm yet so far away, it felt like I was hearing it in a dream. I was so wrapped up in my anger I couldn't focus on her. "CHRISTIAN!!" she yelled in my ear.

I jumped back slightly. "Oh I'm sorry you were saying?" I looked at her making my eyes soften. "I said I'm sorry for asking that question, you don't have to answer it, you don't owe me any explanation." She said playing with her hands. "It's okay, you told me about your life...it's time I tell you about mine." Exhaling I turn to face her, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the couch. "Life hasn't been the easiest for me 2 years ag-." I was cut off by a knock on the door. I walked to the door and thanked my lucky stars for this moment, opening the door I see a pizza delivery guy, paying for the food I gave him his tip and thanked him. "I nearly forgot I had ordered pizza while I was in the bathroom, hope you like pepperoni and chilli cheese chicken."

I sat them on the tabled and grabbed plates, "Chilli cheese chicken?" Crys laughed, "Well it was new on the menu and I thought why not try it out with you." I said smiling a little. I was silently praying she doesn't bring up the topic of my family again. Then I remember something...she had said some words at the beach when she was angry, not being sure If now was the right time to bring it up but I needed to know so I took the risk. "Crystal?" I called her and she looked at me with a small smile. "You said your father killed your brother, did he confess." I asked her afraid of the reaction I might get. Her body had tensed when I said father, but the moment I said brother all her walls came down and in those beautiful brown eyes.

I saw pain, vulnerability, guilt but what stood out the most was the anger. "Yes he did, he told me one night when he was... You know, I had always thought it was him but I was in denial until he had said it himself. I have never in my life thought I'd have someone I despised with everything in me, I hate that man with every breath he takes, he has already taken so much away from me but couldn't he at least leave Lewis alone, that man has enough evilness to dethrone satan himself, but I believe that God's grace will work for me. That man has taken everything from me, literally...that man had taken the one thing I thought I could keep, my innocence."

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