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I woke up of the sound of Max shuffling around in the house. I couldn't figure out what he was doing but I couldn't sleep anymore. I decided to get up and take a shower. Today was the day that I went was gonna meet Max's friends. I didn't know his friends and I didn't really care but he begged me to come with him as everybody asked to meet me.

As I got out of the shower I put on a floral dress with my converse not to go too overboard. I wouldn't say I was too nervous but the nerves were really kicking in. I wasn't really the sociable sister but my mother said I needed to get along with him.

My dad passed away a few years ago and it left a hole in my heart. My mother got a boyfriend and got married last year, I was really happy for her, I was but now that I have a stepbrother it changed everything.

After doing my makeup it was already 9:00 at night and we had to leave at 10:00. I made my way to downstairs to grab some dinner before we left. "Oh that's a cute dress." Max said as he was already eating some snacks. "Thanks, it's not too much?" I said looking down at my outfit. "No we are just going for dinner so you don't have to worry about anything." he said as I took a seat to just grab a quick bite.

"So tell me a bit about your friends so I dont look too dumb if I don't know their names." I said while taking our dishes to the sink. "So the first person you must know is Lando he's my best friend and I'm going to go live with him if our parents decides to move. Then there is Niran, Ria and Aarava." he said."Aren't they the people from that youtube Channel you joined?" I asked as I Google it.
" Yes they are." he said giving me a smile." Are you saying Max fewtrell is famous now?" Iaughed under my breath."Well duh, I'm the best step brother you'll ever get." he winked before getting up to walk to his car.

. . . .

We arrived at a restaurant and walked through the door. The waiter took us to a table where four people were waiting. Max showed me pictures of Ria and I could see her at the corner of the place. "Oii Lando." Max yelled out and quickly everybody turned to us. All the eyes turned to me and I could feel my cheeks getting red. "This is Ella everyone, my sister." he said as he was greeting everyone. "Hi Ella I'm Niran the best looking one of the group." he said giving me a quick hug. "Not with that haircut." Aarava pointed out as he went to take his seat. "I'm Ria, it's so nice to meet you." she said smiling. "Thanks, same here." I said fidgeting with my fingers.

I could feel the other guy was looking at me. I quickly glansed at him and he instantly smiled and walked over. "Hi I'm Lando by the way." he said as he shook my hand. I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. "I- I'm Ella as you already know." I said shyly. I was never good at talking to boys or any people really. My dad was my only  friend and now that his gone I'm all alone.

Maybe having a brother wouldn't be too bad. I took a seat next to Ria with Lando and Max in front of us and Niran and Aarava at the end of the table. Everyone made jokes and talked about their next youtube video. Lando kept looking at me but I didn't mind. He made me feel some kind of way but it didn't mean anything. "So Ella, do you have a boyfriend." Ria asked and everyone went quiet. "Uhh yeah I do, his name is Liam." I said. I looked at Lando and I could see my words did something to him. Maybe he wanted me to be single.

"Why haven't you told me you have a boyfriend?" Max said faking to be angry. "He was at the wedding you dickhead." I laughed at his reaction. Liam and I have been together since middle school and he came with me to university. I really do love him."

As the night went on the boys had a little too much to drink accept Lando. Ria and I had some great laughs and we talked about everything. We exchanged numbers to catch up in the future. At 12 o'clock we had to head back but everyone was too drunk, we all got in to Max's car so that I can drive them to Lando's house. He was sat next to me giving me the direction as the drunk people did drunk things in the back seat.

We arrived at his house and got everyone inside. I couldn't help but notice all the racing helmets in his house but I couldn't figure out why. "What do you do for a living?" I asked looking at all the helmets as he walked over next to me. "I drive cars really fast." he folded his arms. I looked over at him and he looked back. My desire to kiss him was very strong but I quickly turned away. "Oh so like Nascar or something." I said still wondering around in the room. "More like formula 1." he said gazing at me. "Oh I've heard about that. Well that explains the helmets. Max also have a few helmets in his room." I said facing him.

"Yeah, we used to race together, that's how we met." he said. The softness in his eyes made my heart flutter but I knew I couldn't take action because of Liam and I would never hurt him. But there was just something different I craved about lando. Liam and I have never had sex although we have been together for 7 years now. "So you must get a lot of girls eh?" I said trying to tease him. "No one I want or like, you know I never used the frase - I'm a formula 1 driver- before." he said with a straight face. I couldn't believe that he never used it. "Why not, I would use it all the time." I said laughing at him. We talked a lot more and I really enjoyed his company.

"Oh shit it's already 1 in the morning I should head home." I said as we sat on the sofa. "No please don't." I was caught by the words he said. Did he not want me to leave? " I mean its too unsafe, just stay here, you can sleep in my room I'll take the couch." he said shyly looking down at the ground but looking at me through his eyelashes. How could I say no." I guess one night couldn't hurt." his smile got wider. "Now don't get too excited Lando." I said jokingly as I stood up. "Never!" he said but I could see he was happy that I stayed.

Lando gave me some clothes to wear and I got into bed and FaceTimed Liam. "Hi beautiful." he said. "Hi how was your day." I said smiling at him. "Where are you?" he ignored my question and I could see he was confused. "Oh don't worry I'm at a friend's house, I went out with Max to meet his friends and they got carried away so we took them to this house." I said reasurringly. "Oh okay, who's clothes is that?" I could see he was annoyed by the situation but I couldn't do anything else. "It's the guy that lives here." I said a bit annoyed. "A guy, what the fuck Ella." he snapped at me and I couldn't help but be angry at him at this point.

"Chill out Liam there is nothing to worry about." he didn't understand that clothes doesn't mean anything. I got a bit sad that he was so jealous over a small thing like this, what did he want to make me sleep naked in someone else's bed? "Where are you, I'm gonna come pick you up, you are acting like a slut." he said moving around in his room. "No you are not, I'm perfectly safe so stop being a dick and don't ever call me a slut again." I snapped at him and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I ended the call and couldn't help but to start crying. I felt lonely. This wasn't the first time that he was mean to me but he promised that he will never do it again.

I couldn't sleep so I wanted to see if Ria was awake. I couldn't get her to wake up so my only option was Lando. I made my way down stairs. "Lando?" I called out as he was laying on his phone. "Is everything fine?" he asked sitting up. "Can I come lay with you I can't sleep." I asked trying not to cry again. "Yes of course." he made some room for me to lie down and I cuddled up next to him.

My face was buried in his neck and he held me around my waist. I felt better already. "Is everything okay?" he asked rubbing my back. "Just Liam being a dick." I said with a sad giggle. I started to cry again and I could feel Lando holding me tighter. "I'm here if you want to talk." he said to me and it made me calm down. The sound of his voice was so sweet and just being near him made me forget about Liam.

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