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After getting some clothes at my house we headed to Ria's apartment. "I didn't know you live with Niran and Aarava?" I said while looking around in the apartment. "Yeah I moved in a few weeks ago, they are not here until tomorrow so we have the whole place to ourselves." she went over to get her gaming setup.

"I'm gonna teach you how to play some of my favorite games." her smile grew wider as I sat down next to her. "We are gonna play fall guys first. It's pretty easy just follow my lead." and so I did, it took me a few tries to get the hang of it but eventually I got it. "I think I'm in love with this game." I said jokingly. "Wait till you try the other ones."

We played for a few hours but then decided to go on a walk in the streets of London to watch the sunset. "This is the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen." I said and took out my phone to take a picture.

@ellaclarkson1 love seeing this with @riabishh 🌇

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@ellaclarkson1 love seeing this with @riabishh 🌇

@landonorris auww without me :(

@officialfng why didn't you guys invite us just kidding hope your having fun without us

I haven't heard from Lando since this morning and it made me happy to see his comment. I didn't want to tell him that I broke up with Liam. "Babe, we need to talk about what happened." Ria broke my thoughts. "But there's noting to talk about.

" He slapped you in the face, you have a bruise on you face and arm." she said worringly." It's fine it will go away in a few days." I faked a smile so that she doesn't have to worry about me. My dad always said stay strong, things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can't rain forever."Are you gonna tell Lando?" she asked as we took a seat on a bench. "I don't know, I've told you about what I feel for him and now that I've just broke up with Liam I don't want to go in a relationship immediately." my leg started to bounce. "I know but he means a lot to you, it's better to have people by your side than to keep everything in a bottle." she had a good point and maybe it wasn't that bad to tell him.

"I'll tell him when he gets back I don't want to disturb him." we walked back to the apartment and watched some movies before we went to bed. "You can take my bed I'll sleep in Niran's bed." she pointed out as whe got up from the couch. "Thanks again for helping me today." I said with a small smile. "You don't have to thank me, that's what friends are for." we both went to the rooms and I fell asleep.

The next few days went by quickly. Niran and Aarava dragged me to go out at night to keep me from staying in  bed the whole day. We went out to clubs for 3 nights straight. On Sunday Max came over to watch the race with us and Lando got P7. " Lando is gonna be back later today." Niran said as he knew what was going on. "Oh okay that's good." I smiled at him but inside I was nervous but also glad that I'll get to see him again. "Anyways anough about love, we are going out tonight and you are coming with." Aarava said with wide eyes staring at me. "I don't wanna." I acted like a little kid having an outburst. "Tough shit, so get some sleep because it's gonna be a long night." Niran laughed at me.

I got ready to head out with everyone, I did my hair and makeup, I tried to hide the bruise on my face but it didn't really work and I slipped on a tight red dress with heels. "Come on guys let's go." Ria yelled out and everyone appeared. "I'm driving but not back." Max said making a statement. "I'll be the responsible one tonight." Aarava said taking the car keys from Max. We all burst out laughing as we know he is the one that gets the drunkest out of all of us.

On our way to the pub the car was filled with loud singing and laughing. I felt happy again, better than the nights before. We got out of the car and the place was already filled with loads of people. I'm not the one for drinking that much but tonight I didn't care. I took shot after shot. "You having fun." Ria yelled out on the dance floor. "Too much, look at this guy, he's hot." I said pointing to the guy that was dancing with me. My drunkenly self didn't care about a thing, she was wild and fun. I quickly started to make out with every guy that came up to me. I almost kissed Niran.

I decided to video call Lando." Hello? " he said, I could see he was already at home. "Hey cutie your looking hot" I blurted out, I couldn't stop myself from saying everything I thought about. "Are you drunk?" he asked laughing at me. "Noooo not at all." I said shushing everybody but ofcourse it didn't work. "What's that on your face." heasked looking closer into the camera. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I broke up with Liam and he slapped me." I said laughing at myself. The music was still loud but at least I could here what he was saying.

"He what? Ella whe-" I cut him off and started singing loudly to one of the songs. After a few second I forgot that I've called him and made out with another guy. "Ella what are you doing." I then realized he was still on the phone but at this point I couldn't hear what he was saying anymore. "Oh hii Lando when did you get here?" I asked looking closely into my camera. "I'm not there I'm on the phone you know what stay there I'm coming." he hung up and I just kept dancing.

I've lost sight of Ria and the boys but I just danced along to the music. All of the sudden someone grabbed my waist. I turned around and saw Lando standing in front of me. It felt like everyone dissappeared and the music went off. "Hi" I said staring at him."Hi, you wanna get out of here?" he asked giving me a smile. I just nodded and he led me out of the place into his car.

The car was filled with silence but it was good. I sat staring at him. "I'm drunk, please don't listen to anything I say." I pointed out closing my eyes. "Yeah I know don't you worry." he said placing his hand on my thigh. I could feel my face turning red. We arrived at his house and he had to carry me in as I was too drunk to walk.


When Ella called me I felt warmth inside me. I could see she was having fun but when I saw her kissing some random guy I couldn't help but feel jealous. I took her to my house so that I know she is safe. "You take my bed." I said placing her down. "No it's fine, it's you house you sleep here." she said clapping her hand onto the side next to her. I walked down to the kitchen to get her some water.

I changed into more comfortable clothes and when I got back to the room she was already asleep. I quietly got into the bed next to her and just for a minute I admired her. I rubbed the hair out of her face and saw the bruises. I placed a kiss on her forehead before switching off the lights. My mind was filled with thoughts of her. All I wanted was her next to me every night. I knew that it would be a long shot but she is definitely worth it. I thought back to the times we were together and besides all the Liam stuff, she really made me happy in ways no one else can.

It's one of the many things I adore about her. Maybe one day she'll feel the same way as how I feel about her.

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