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after dinner we all said our goodbyes but Charles stopped me just before I wanted to head up to my room. "Ella wait." he called out and I turned around. "Did you have fun?" he asked smirking at me. "Yes I did thanks, it's nice to see how your world is." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I'm very glad, listen I wanted to know if you'd like to come with me tomorrow in the paddock, I can show you our hospitality and you can watch from inside my garage." he shyly said staring deep into my eyes. My first thought was Lando, Isa told me that he likes me but I don't want a relationship with him and Charles really seems like a nice guy. It was definitely a worth a shot.

" Are you asking me on a date?" I asked laughing at him. "Only if you say yes." he said with a small smile. I knew I had to tell Lando because Charles is one of his friends and of the history me and Lando share. "Well it's a yes." I said with confidence. I could see he got a bit more excited. "I'll pick you up then we can head in together." he said and I agreed.

After me and Charles talked I wanted to go tell Lando. I texted him to know where his room is.

Lando :)

Can I quickly come over?

Yeah sure, I'm room 307 :)

I'm on my way!


When Ella said she wanted to come over to my room I got way too nervous. She told me we're just friends but I like her more than that and maybe now would be the perfect time to tell her.

I heard a knock on the door and went over to open it. She stood there with her hair over her shoulders and sweatpants. I've never seen suck beauty. "Hi." she said and I stood out of the way for her to enter. I could see she was nervous and something was bothering her. "You okay?" I asked placing my hands in my pockets.

She nodded but I knew something was up. "I need to tell you something." we both said at the same time and a laugh left our lips. "Ladies first." I said taking a seat on the couch. She still stood in front of me, not also taking a seat. "Okay so please don't be mad or anything bit Charles asked me on a date and I said yes." I felt something leaving my body. I didn't know Charles was into her, but I can't blame him, I man look at her. Sadness took over my body. "Oh okay..." I didn't know what else to say. "Just okay... Lando that doesn't sound okay, if you not okay with it I won't go out with him." she said talking faster than before. I knew I couldn't tell her how I feel now so I'll just have to be supportive. I stood up from the couch and grabbed her hand." Hey listen, it's okay, I'm your friend and I support you in whatever or whoever you do." I said trying to make a joke to cheer her up.

She let out a soft giggle and it made me smile. "Are you sure your okay with it." she asked looking up at me. "Yes I'm sure." I pulled her closer into a hug and held her tightly. Maybe it was for the best that we would stay friends. But I'll always be there for her if she needed me.


The next day I woke up and got dressed. Charles tent me a text earlier saying hell be here in 10 minutes. I grabbed my access key and my handbag. As I got into the lounge I saw Charles standing at his car. "Hello mi amore, you look beautiful." he said giving me a kiss on both of my cheeks. "Hey, you ready for the day?" I asked as we both got in the car. "Oh yes definitely, you like it so far, you know, formula 1?" he asked as we drove with music playing in the background. "Absolutely, I love it but I'm a mclaren fan so you'll have to persuade me at ferrari." I jokingly said.

"Trust me, deep down everyone is a ferrari fan." he winked at me and I could feel my cheeks heating up.
We arrived at the track and we walked through the paddock. Everyone was staring at us and I knew the media would get something out of this. I looked around as people kept on taking photos of us.

" Don't worry about them." Charles said smiling at me. He placed his and on my lower back and guided me to the ferrari hospitality. I placed my handbag in his driver's room and then he gave me a tour of the whole place. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. We stopped at the cafeteria to get something to drink. "I should probably call Max and tell him I'm here." I said holding out my phone. Charles nodded and then winked at me.

I stepped outside as I called him. "Hey sis, are you here already." he asked. "Yes I'm at ferrari so I'll probably see you somewhere." I completely forgot to tell him that I was gonna be with Charles today. "Why are you there?" he asked. "I forgot to tell you.. Charles asked me if I wanted to join him today,and I said yes." I said biting on my nails. "Oh that's fun, at least pop by to say hello later." I thought he would have a problem with it. "Yes, of course, I'll talk to you later." I hung up the phone and walked back to Charles.

"Everything good mi amor?" he asked handing me a coffee. "Yes just told him I'll come say hello later." I gave him a reassuring smile. We talked a bit more about our families and just the normal life stuff. "Wait so you studied to be a personal trainer?" he asked with a soft laughing voice. "Yes and I just finished last week." I said proudly. "How do you think I got all these muscles." I flexed my arm and we both laughed.

" Have you searched for a job yet?" he asked taking asip from his drink. "No not yet, I want some time for myself before doing the whole adult thing." "That makes sense, my life has always just been about getting to the top but I love it, and look at where I am now." he wiggled his eyebrows and i couldn't get rid of the smile on my face.

I sat in the garage and everyone was concentrated on the screen. It was already Q3 and Charles and Lando were racing each other. They stayed wheel to wheel and the nerves kicked in. All of the sudden I saw the papaya car spin out and hit a wall pretty hard and the red car going into the gravel. Shivers went down my spine and it didn't feel good this time.

There was silence on the screen and I messaged Max to hear if Lando was okay. It would kill me if he got hurt badly. The team radio of lando popped up on the screen. "Are you okay?" his engineer asked. "Yeah I'm fine, getting out now."Lando said and a sigh of relief left my body. All of the sudden I felt sad, and then there were red flags. All the remaining cars got back to their garages. I saw Charles getting a lift from the safety car.

I saw him entering the garage and walking to his driver's room. I ran after him and knocked on the door. "Charles it's me can I come in?" I asked slowly opening the door. He was laying with his hands on his face and I could see he was frustrated. "Are you okay?" I asked taking a seat next to him. "Yeah I'm fine." he said but I knew he wasn't. I placed my hand on his arm to make him look at me. "It happens, it's just racing and you got P5, that's amazing." I tried to comfort him.

He looked down at his lap, and I could see a small smile forming. "I should probably go talk to Lando." he said. I stared into his and he in mine. All of the sudden out lips smashed together. I felt comfortable and happy. I didn't want to pull away, I wanted more.

We got interrupted by a knock on the door and he had to go do interviews. I replayed the last minutes in my mind and I felt how my cheeks heated up. I knew I had to go talk to Lando and see if he is okay. I pushed the thought out of my mind. I turned on my phone and saw a few missed calls and messages from Max.


Where are you??
Lando is asking for you can you come here.
Answer me!!

I'm sorry phone was on silent, I'm on my way.

I rushed out of the ferrari hospitality and made my way over to Mclaren. I looked around for Max but I couldn't find him. I walked to Lando's driver's room and saw him standing in front of the door. "Could you have taken any longer?" Max said and pulled me to the door. I could feel the tension was high. "Lando, Ella is here open up." there was silence for a few second but then the door got unlocked.

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