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We arrived at home and I trembled to the door. I tried to open it but I couldn't see straight. No one was home at this point.

"Give it to me." Ella said taking the key from my hand. "Ella talk to me." I said walking after her. Her hands were on her hips and she turned around facing me. "Why the fuck would you say that?" she asked frowning.

"Uhh I don't know because maybe it seemed a bit too real for me." I confessed, telling the truth might not be so bad. "I told you I chose you, he hurt me badly, I'll never forgive him and you have the audacity to say that it looked real?"

"Why would you not just break up with him." "I have told yo-" I cut her off and the anger came bursting out. "That's not fucking good enough Ella, you got me, and I need you. Why would you stay with him. What do you have to loose."

She didn't reply and placed her hands on her head. "If you want to be with him then so be it, I'm not gonna waist my time with someone that doesn't want to be with me." I yelled out angrily.

"Do you really think I don't want to be with you. I moved in with you not because my mom was selling our house but because you made me feel like I belong lando, I wanted to be around you every second of the day, it brought me happiness, something I haven't felt since my dad died." I could see the tears were building up in her eyes.

" Then just break up with Charles." I said sitting down on the living room couch." Do you wanna know the real reason I haven't broken up with him." she said standing standing in front of me." Another guy that fucked me over, and it absolutely tormented me. Liam beated me and Charles made a bet on me, I wanted to show not just everyone but myself that I can be okay if something like this happens."

"That's why you've got me Ella, to vent in my ears, to yell at me, and I would listen and be there for you. You don't have to stay with someone to show a point." I looked up at her.

She sat down at the other side of the couch staring at me. We sat in silence for what felt like forever." I'm gonna go to bed, if you feel like it you can join me but otherwise I'll see you in the morning. " I stood up and walked to my bedroom. She never came to my room and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and went downstairs to make some breakfast. Max slept over at Aarava's apartment and my parent went home yesterday. Ella was probably still asleep so I put her breakfast in the fridge.

"Morning." I heard a voice as I sat on my computer doing some work. "Hey." I closed my laptop and she came to sit next to me. "I'm sorry about last night, I don't like it when we fight. I've realized that you were right and not breaking up with Charles is just making problems between us so I'm gonna break up with him the next time I see him." she reached out to hold my hand.

"It's okay El, and thank you for understanding, it means a lot." I gave her a soft smile. "Just know that I'll never hurt you, ever. You are safe with me."

"I know you won't." she said smiling. I leaned in and gave her a kiss. It meant more than the previous ones. It was like a commitment to each other. We cuddled in silence for a while before I had to go to Mclaren HQ.

"Where are you headed?" she asked me. "I have to go to Mclaren, I won't be long." I said smiling at her and getting my things in my bag. "I messaged George about the job and he says he can meet you today if you still want it?" I casually said.

"Yes please, can you send me his number." I didn't expect her to be okay with it but I'm glad she would want it. "He's coming over when I'm done at work."

"Okay cool, I have nothing to do today so I'll be happy to talk to him." she smiled and walked over to me. "You don't have to take it of you don't feel like it." I didn't want her to think she was only getting the job because of me.

"No I really would love to have it, I talked to his previous trainer and it sounds really fun and then I'll get to see you more." she said throwing her arms around my neck.
"Then I'll see you later." I gave her a kiss and drove off.

. . .


It has been about an hour since Lando went to work and Max just got back from Aarava's place. I heard a knock on the door and walked over to open it. "Hi Ella, it's so good to see you again." George stood infront of me and I gave him a hug. "Please come in."

We walked over to the dining table to do what he came here for. "So I hope you can do push ups." he joked and we both laughed. "You'll be surprised of all the things I can do." I said smiling.

"I just want to know what the job will contain." I asked opening my laptop. "Well basically what you do, it's training everyday, strength mostly. Warmup before the race and after, running, cycling and the list goes on." it sounds like a lot of work but I love working out.

"That sounds great!" I said smiling. "You'll come with me to every race of the season and pre season. Of course you'll get time off I'm not that harsh." he said raising his eyebrows.

"It sounds perfect to me, I would really love to be able to do this with you." this job would really do me some good and being able to watch every race and train would be a dream come true. "Well then it's yours." he closed his laptop. I was shocked that he didn't want more information or insights. "Really?" I said shockingly.

"Yes! And I'm not doing this just because Lando asked me, my previous trainer knows one of the people that studied with you and she recommended you. I did my research." I was so happy that he didn't just see me as a friend of lando but someone that can actually do the job.

" I'm really happy about that, when can I start?" I asked existingly." Well what about tomorrow in Monaco? " he said lifting his shoulders.

"Works for me." we talked for a bit more about the boring financial stuff. Lando came home and sat with us.
They talked about Formula 1 and the next race. "It's literally the most iconic race ever, how do you not know about it?" Lando asked looking offended.

"I never watched it before I met you." I smirked at him. He placed his hand on my thigh. "But it's Monaco!" George chipped in placing his hands on his head. "Well now I get to go to it so I'll experience it myself." I calmly said to them both.

"You got the job?" Lando asked looking at me like a kid on Christmas day. I stared at him for a few seconds. "Yes I got the job." I started to laugh. He jumped up as if he did something to get it. He bend down to kiss me and we totally forgot that George was sitting right infront of us.

Lando pulled away and we stared at him. He didn't know that Lando and I were a thing and I could see he was a bit shocked. "See I always knew something was up but you didn't tell me." he said choking on his breath.

"We are keeping it a secret until she breaks up with Charles." Lando said looking back at me. "And she's still with Charles. What am I saying he's an asshole, congrats guys, I'm so happy for you." he said laughing.

George headed home a few hours later and Max helped me make some dinner. "You two look happy." he mentioned as he stood next to me. "Yeah we are." I looked up smiling at lando who was sitting on the couch on his phone. "Just don't fuck it up, he's a good guy."

"That's a bit harsh, I know he is. I'm in this for the long run with him." I said hitting him on the arm. "Good, cause I'm not gonna be the akward mutual friend you guys have if you break up."

"You got your suitcases packed?" Lando asked as he helped me wash the dishes. "Of course, can't wait to be there with you." lando and I are gonna go a bit earlier to Monaco to have a bit time off before the race weekend.

I kissed him and we headed upstairs to go to bed. "Tomorrow night I'm gonna go break up with Charles, he's also in Monaco already." I mentioned laying next to him. "Your so amazing you know that, you deserve so much better than him."

"I know land's, you are what I deserve and so much more." I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him before falling asleep in his arms.

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