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I put away my sword "Who are you" I asked. He hesitated, I lifted the sword back to his chest "My name is Brandon" he finally said. I put it away again "Who is your father" I asked "Mutant Enderman" Brandon said. I looked at him again, I couldn't kill him, it wasn't right "What did you mean by the other one" he asked. I told him the legend my father told me, leaving out the part of me killing him "Who is your father" Brandon asked. I sighed hoping we would never ask this "Herobrine" I said. Brandon backed away, my eyes glowed with anger. I slowly calmed down "I'm sorry if I angered you" he said "it's alright" I said. He teleported in front of me, I could smell his sweet breath. I couldn't trust him, but I wanted to "I better go" I said. Brandon stopped me "No, you could stay, I have enough room" he smiled "ok" I smiled back

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