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I finished fixing my sword with the anvil. Today is my birthday, I nevered celebrated it in a day in my life. The only good thing is unlocking new abilities.

*six years ago*

"Do as I say and fly" father said. I just turned ten and my father is forcing me to fly

"I can't do it, I can't fly father" I shines. He threatened me with swimming in lava, I obeyed.

My feet lifted from the air, my heart raced and my body tingled

"I'M FLYING, I CAN FLY" I shouted to the sky. I soared through the air, then landed on the ground.


I went outside, there was a chest with a sign that said open me. I looked confused and opened the chest. There was an enchanted bow with power 1, infinity 1, and punch 3.

I flew in the air, screaming with joy in my voice. I always wanted a bow like this, but was told to always use a sword.

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