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Do what you were told

Follow you Destiny

Obey your father

I woke up, it's was still dark out. I looked for Brandon in the other room. He was asleep.

I went outside, I knew my father is looking for me. Watching my every move.

"I know you're out there father" I yelled. My father appeared in front of me "I see you living with an Enderman" father said. I nod my head

"When will you kill him" he asked "Never, those stories you told me when I was a child were lies" I yelled. He moved closer to the door, I stepped in front of him

"If you don't, I will" father said. My eyes darkened "Touch him and you'll pay" I threatened "I don't want to fight you father. Leave now" I said

"Both of you can not stay on this earth much longer. Listen to your father" he vanished in the darkness

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