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"YOU'RE LYING" I screamed

Herobrine stepped closer, I took a step back

"When you were born, your mother held you in her arms. When you opened your eyes they glowed white like mine" Herobrine said

I pointed my sword at him as he walked closer, he laughed

"You attacked your mother, killing her in seconds"

I shook my head as tears ran down my eyes

"STOP LYING" I cried

I covered my ears, I didn't want to hear the lies he was telling

"She screamed in agony as said that she still loved you" Herobrine said

I began to run towards him, swinging my sword back and fourth. He was too fast

Herobrine pinned me to the ground, and put his sword over my head.

He leaned in next to my ear

"You never should have existed" he said coldly

I peered at Brandon, he was standing and looked very weak. He grabbed a emerald sword from the ground.

I closed my eyes, getting ready to meet my mother for the first time. I reopened them ready to accept my fate

Herobrine was frozen stiff, there was a sword in his chest. I peered over to Brandon, he was still standing

My father fell to my right side, he was breathing heavily. I stood up and looked at him.

His eyes were closed

"I love you daddy" I kissed his forehead

Herobrine is dead, his body vanished. I looked over at Brandon again. I ran towards him as he fell to the ground.

I held his head on my lap, he was taking damage badly.

"A-Are you poisoned" I asked

He shook his head "I'm withered" he choked

I began crying again, I had nothing to help him. I couldn't save him.

"Please...... Don't...... Leave... Me" I cried

Brandon wiped away my tears with his thumb, I giggled a little at his touch.

I caressed his cheek gently, Brandon leaned in and pressed his lips on mine.

He layed his head back on my lap and closed his eyes, slowly disappearing.

I covered my eyes and cried harder, the tears continued to flow down my cheeks

I felt my a hand on my skin, I turned my head. Ricardo and his pet sheep looked at me with a sad smile.

I pet his pink sheep and gave Ricardo a hug

"I-I-I'm sorry Alianna" Ricardo said

I hugged him tighter, the sun was at its highest point. I smiled, wiping the tears away

I looked over at Ricardo's sheep, he and a cyan sheep were hitting it off.

I laughed at the thought of them having a child together.


This is the end of the book, one my friends wanted to put Ricardo's sheep and a cyan sheep together. So I hope you guys like the book

PEACE ♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆

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