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Herobrine army was too powerful for mine, they fought their little heartless bodies out

"Like always, you were a disappointment. A disgrace to be my child" Herobrine said

I frowned, I've heard these words come out his mouth before, but it didn't hurt me like it did before.

Brandon sat up, I went next him

"Did we win" he whispered

I shook my head, and smiled

I looked around, Steve was standing near the woods staring.

Once again, the tingling sensation took control.

Brandon pushed me to the ground as I took out my bow, I shot him with my bow. Then aimed at Steve

I began bow spamming until I saw his corpse

I could hear my father applauding and laughter

"The day you were born I told you that you were a killer. You proved it then and you proved it now" he said

I peered at him

"What the hell are you talking about" I asked

"You really think you're mother died from giving birth to you," he said


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