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This has been the best morning yet. I got the weapon I always wanted and I got to be with the person that cares about me.

I sat on the ground, with my bow still in my hands and Brandon sitting next to me.

"Thanks for the bow, by the way, " I said. Brandon shook his head "I didn't get you a bow" Brandon said.

I stood up, I felt this tingling feeling in my head. My eyes glowed bright white. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time.

I ran as fast as I could to the forest biome, taking out my sword. Brandon followed me, yelling and begging me to stop

"Alianna don't do this" Brandon yelled, trying to catch up. I ignored him, ready to strike. I didn't know what was happening until I saw him. He looked like my father, but his eyes weren't glowing and his health was low.

I hid behind a tree, Brandon teleported next to me. He tried to stop me, but I hit him with my knockback IV diamond sword. The tingling feeling got stronger, telling me to kill the silent man.

I ran to him and slashed his body, until he fell to the ground and disappeared. The voices were gone and the tingling feeling had stopped.

"Alianna" Brandon yelled. I looked at what I have done, I ran from the forest. Not looking back.

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