Spider Spawner

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I went through a tunnel alone, only to find two pieces of coal, four iron, and one gold.

*I hope Brandon have better luck than I do*

I continued to walk, finding crap every step of the way. I stopped in a mine shaft, all I could see were webs and a few torches. Something hissed, I looked behind me. I was surrounded by cave spiders, they all stared at me, coming closer, hissing every time I turn

"ALIANNA!" Brandon yelled. All the cave spiders chased him, putting poison in his veins. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my diamond sword, and salaried every single one

"What I tell you" I smirked. I gave him a a extra instant health potion "How long does it last" I asked "Its gone" he said. I gave him a peck on the cheek "Thanks for trying" I said.

Brandon teleported all over the place "Stop, it or I'll make you wish you weren't the son of the mutant enderman" I nagged


One thing I have to mention is that in this minecraft story is anime so the characters could kiss. Oh and I want to thank Tailswife (one of my best friends) for creating my new cover page. I'll love you forever for that


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