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The last few days, I've been with Brandon was amazing. He doesn't treat me like I'm a monster and he lets me do my own thing

"Hey, I'm going mining" he said. I stood up from the bed and grabbed my diamond pickaxe from my chest

"I'll go with you" I smiled. Brandon eyes pointed to the floor

"I don't think that's a good idea" he said.

I looked at him "why not" I asked.

"You're a girl and I don't want you to get hurt" he said. I felt something I haven't felt before. Someone actually cares about me

"Trust me, you need me more than I need you" I said walking out the door.

*Long walk later*

We finally found the perfect cave, I could hear the screeching of bats, the growling of zombies, and the teleporting of enderman.

"Do you want to go back?" Brandon asked. I shook my head. We entered the whole, I placed torches on the ground "That's strange, I haven't seen any mobs yet" Brandon said. I pretended I didn't hear his comment hoping that he didn't realize it was me

"I'll go a different way" I said


HEY guys, I just wanted to say

*CHECK OUT Korevolution story The xperience, it's so amazing*


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