Chapter One

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The book cover was made by Nivek321 of  Please, don't take this cover, or resize it, as Nivek321 spent a long time working on it.  Thank you so much!

Hey everyone! Okay, so I finally got Chapter One up!  I hope you enjoy it.  This chapter was a ton of fun to write, because it was so fun to make the kits all excited.  Let me know what you think!  All credit goes to Erin Hunter!

Chapter One

“Welcome back to ThunderClan, Redkit,” a soft voice whispered as the kit awoke.  His mother always greeted him that way when he woke up.  Redkit.  The name registered in the young kit’s mind, and he recognized it as his own.  Redkit, he thought again, a smile growing across his small face.  It was such a great name.  Why was I named Redkit?  He thought, suddenly curious.  When I open my eyes, I bet I’ll know.

It had been nearly a moon since he and his siblings were born, but it had felt like many more moons had passed.  Redkit felt as if he knew the whole Clan already, from all the things he’d been hearing outside of the nursery when he’d been pretending to sleep.  He knew that his mother’s name was Swiftbreeze, and he had two sisters— Willowkit and Spottedkit.  He’d also heard the name Adderfang from time to time, and he’d been told this cat was his father. 

He could always recognize his mother’s never-faltering scent.  It smelled of the forest, and like pretty flowers— or so he’d been told.  Redkit really had no idea what flowers were, and he didn’t know much about the forest, except for the snippets he’d caught from conversations outside.  Nonetheless, he’d been told by Adderfang that that’s what his mother’s scent resembled—flowers and the forest. 

Redkit felt something wet and rough slide across his head, and he sighed and squirmed out of his mother’s grip. 

“Why are you washing me again?”  Redkit groaned.

“To keep you warm,” Swiftbreeze’s voice sounded in his ear. 

“But I’m warm enough!”  Redkit protested, trying to suppress a shiver as a soft breeze swept through the nursery.

“Come now, I don’t want you getting whitecough.” Swiftbreeze swept her kit back over to her and promptly returned to her licking.

Redkit cocked his head.  “What’s whitecough?”

“It’s a sickness cats can get, and you get very weak from it.  Sometimes, it can develop into greencough, an even worse sickness.”  Another voice answered Redkit’s question. 


Redkit immediately recognized the medicine cat apprentice’s voice.  He curled his tail over his face.  Whitecough and greencough sounded horrible!

“Don’t worry,” Swiftbreeze said, “there are herbs to help heal sick cats, and Featherwhisker knows all of them.”  Redkit really wished that he could see if the medicine cat apprentice was nodding or not.

He felt something stir beside him.  “What’s all the noise about?”  Willowkit’s voice reached Redkit’s ears.

Redkit flicked his small tail.  “We were just talking about stuff,” Redkit said.

“What stuff?” Spottedkit’s voice asked curiously.  Everyone’s awake!  Redkit thought excitedly.  After this, I’m going to try and open my eyes!

“Medicine cat stuff,” Redkit groaned, trying to hide his excitement over the anticipation of opening his eyes.  His excitement was pushed away for a moment and he frowned.  Why would and cat want to be a medicine cat?  Being a warrior was so much better.

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