Chapter Thirteen

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  • Dedicated to MagickyMuffin of YouTube

Nivek321 of, or BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad, made the beautiful cover of this book. Please don't take it as she put a lot of effort into it. Thanks! :)

Whoo-hoo! Chapter Thirteen is here! I am so close to finishing this! All credit to Erin Hunter.

Chapter Thirteen  

"Solsticepaw!" Redtail yowled.

After the vigil was up, he and the others had gone back to their dens to sleep. He had been hoping she would come to him. It looks like this time, she had answered his call. He was on the border between StarClan and the place Goosefeather had said evil cats go. Solsticepaw was standing in front of him, her eyes clouded with sadness.

"Redpaw, I'm so sorry!" She whimpered. "I was going to tell you, but-"

"-My name is Redtail now." Redtail interrupted. 

"You're a warrior? That's great, Redp- Redtail!" She corrected herself.

Redtail nodded. "Thanks," he meowed.

It was silent for a moment, and Solsticepaw stepped forward. Redtail tensed.

"Redtail, do you know why you were chosen to be the Great Fox of SkyClan?"

Redtail shook his head. "No. Why would StarClan choose a ThunderClan cat for a SkyClan prophecy?"

Solsticepaw shook her head. "They didn't just choose a ThunderClan cat, Redtail. They also chose a SkyClan cat." She paused. "You have SkyClan blood."

"What?" Redtail's eyes widened in astonishment.

"It's true," Solsticepaw insisted. "But it goes way back."

"W-who am I related to?" Redtail asked shakily.

Solsticepaw flicked her ear. "Cloudstar, Birdflight, Gorseclaw, and Spottedpelt. All Ancient SkyClan cats. The relation is very distant, but it's still there."

Redtail was silent. How could this be possible? So much had happened in his life, but this was probably the biggest shock of all. What horrified him most was that he couldn't even call himself a full-blooded ThunderClan cat.

"Now do you understand why you were chosen?" Solsticepaw asked.

"More or less," Redtail replied, refusing to meet her gaze, which was now nearly all blue.

"Listen, Redtail. I couldn't tell you my history because I knew you would never trust me. Besides, how would I say it?" Solsticepaw pawed the ground. "It didn't matter anyways."

"Yes, it did!" Redtail roared. "Don't you think it would have been nice to know who this cat giving me the prophecy was?"

Solsticepaw looked hurt. "I did it for the best."

"Maybe what you think is the best isn't always the best!" Redtail snapped. "Especially when it comes to prophecies for you."

The she-cat bristled. "You take that back." She hissed.

Redtail curled his lip and started circling her. "Should I?"

She growled. "I knew that was best! StarClan wanted me to kill a helpless ThunderClan kit!"

Redtail stopped in his tracks. "ThunderClan?"

Solsticepaw smirked, knowing she had caught him off guard. "Yes. ThunderClan."

He stepped back in shock. "Who is it?"

"You really haven't figured it out by now? I think the prophecy makes it pretty obvious."  Solsticepaw mocked.

Redtail realized with a shock what she was talking about.

"You mean, the Tiger... the Tiger is Tigerclaw?"

Solsticepaw rolled her eyes. "That seems about right."

"But he's the last one I would expect! We're related!"  Redtail protested. "How could I be prophesied to be the one to stop my own blood?"

She shrugged. "It's just the way it goes."

Redtail scraped at the ground with his claws. It was just dirt, there was no life around whatsoever.

"Fine. But what's his secret? What is it that I have to reveal?"

"That's for you to find out. I don't really know." Solsticepaw shrugged. She perked up, her ears pricked. "You have to go. Something's wrong."

Redtail nodded. "Solsticepaw, I'm sorry for insulting you," he apologized.

Solsticepaw smiled. "It's all right, I understand. It can be hard when you find something out the hard way." He smiled at her.

The starry figure started to fade away, and before he knew it, brightness flooded into his vision. The first words he heard when he woke terrified him.

"My kits! My kits are gone!" a voice screeched.

The tortoiseshell warrior jumped out of his nest and raced out of his den. He raced into the nursery, where the voice was coming from, and saw Bluefur looked distraught, and her kits no where to be seen.

"Bluefur!" Redtail yowled. "What happened?"

The she-cat looked up at him, sadness in her eyes. "I was sleeping, and I heard something, and when I woke up, there was a hole the size of a fox in the back of the nursery and my kits were gone!" She wailed.

Sunstar came racing into the nursery, along with Featherwhisker and Thrushpelt.

"What happened?" Sunstar demanded.

"Where are the kits?" Thrushpelt asked.

"They're gone!" Bluefur whimpered. "I think a fox took them!"

Redtail's eyes widened. He thought of the kits, and how much he had grown to like them. Now, they were gone.

"Bluefur, I'm so sorry," was all he could think of to say.

"Would you like us to send a search party?" Sunstar asked.

"If you would like," the silver-blue she cat murmured. "But they are gone. I can smell their scent mixed with that of a fox's."

Redtail scented the air, and the faint scent of fox hit his nose, but he remembered that it was always there. The kits' scents were much stronger, like they had just been here.

"Very well. We don't want to risk any more lives in the snow." Sunstar decided. "I'm very sorry, Bluefur. We will hold a silent vigil for them tonight."

Bluefur nodded numbly. She whimpered and put her paws over her head.

"Let's leave her to grieve," Thrushpelt said.

The rest of them nodded. Redtail put his tail on Bluefur's shoulder for a moment, trying to comfort her. Sobs wraked through the she-cat's body. Redtail padded out of the nursery to leave her alone. So much has happened, he thought. ThunderClan was falling apart at the seams. How long would it be before Tigerclaw carried out his plan? Suddenly, Redtail realized something. Goosefeather had told him that the cat he had to stop was ambitious and traitorous.

Tigerclaw was going to try to take over ThunderClan! 

Author's Note: You like it? Let me know! Next chapters are out! :)

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