Chapter Fourteen

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  • Dedicated to kokozuzu12 of Howrse

Nivek321 of, or BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad, made the beautiful cover of this book.  Please don't take it, as she put a lot of effort into it.  Thanks! :)

Oh my goodness, one more chapter, and the epilogue!  Enjoy! :D  Credit to Erin Hunter!

Chapter Fourteen

"Redtail!  Redtail!"  The Clan cheered on the tortoiseshell warrior.

It had been many moons since Bluefur's kits had been stolen, and now Redtail stood before her, the new ThunderClan leader, who was now called Bluestar, as her deputy.  He had nearly forgotten about the prophecy about him.  Tigerclaw was proving to be a loyal warrior, but as he looked around at the Clan, he saw hatred in the tabby's eyes.  Longtail and Darkstripe, two young warriors, flanked him.  Redtail felt a pang of worry hit him, but he pushed it away.

Tigerclaw would never hurt me, he insisted.  And I would never hurt him.

After the ceremony, Bluestar padded up to him.  

"I'm glad you're my deputy," she smiled.

"I'm glad as well!" Redtail laughed. "I never thought I'd be here."

Willowpelt padded up to him, Spottedleaf trailing not far behind.  His sister had received her medicine cat name quite some time ago, and could now take on the Clan as a full medicine cat once Featherwhisker either passed or retired.  

"Congratulations!"  The purred in unison. 

Redtail pawed at the ground in embarassment.  "Thanks," he mumbled.  

"I knew it would be you!"  Willowpelt said proudly.  "You were the obvious choice."

Bluestar laughed.  "Well, I must speak with Redtail now.  We have much to discuss."

Redtail nodded and followed the leader as she padded into her den.  Bluestar sat down in her nest and beckoned for him to sit down in front of him.

"Redtail," Bluestar began, "is there something you need to tell me?  You have been acting strange lately."

Redtail tensed.  It was now or never.  He had to reveal Tigerclaw's ambitions to his leader.  He nodded, gulping.

"Bluestar, when I was an apprentice, I was given a prophecy."

The leader immediately pricked her ears and looked around to make sure no one else was listening.  "Go on," she urged.

Redtail took a deep breath.  "I was told that I was a Great Fox destined to reveal the Tiger's dark secret. I know now what I must do," he paused.  "Tigerclaw is going to betray you."

Bluestar narrowed her eyes.  "How do you know that?"

"StarClan told me," Redtail said nervously.  This was not the reaction he had expected from his leader.

"I don't know if I believe that," Bluestar said.  "Tigerclaw is ambitious, yes, but not in that way.  I think StarClan has misled you."

Redtail could not believe his ears.  "But-"

"-No, Redtail.  You are my deputy, and I trust your judgement, but this is much too serious of an accussation, and you have no legitimate proof."  Bluestar said stiffly.  "Is that all you needed to tell me?"

Redtail hung his head.  "The fresh-kill pile is getting low," he sighed.

"Then as my deputy, I expect you to send out patrols to stock it up," Bluestar said.  "Now, go on, I need to think about some upcoming ceremonies."

Redtail dipped his head respectfully and left the den, head low and tail drooping.  His warning hadn't worked.  He had failed to fulfill the prophecy, and there was no sign of the Fire that would blaze through the forest.  He was very confused over the second prophecy, but he figured that if he was a fox in StarClan's eyes, another cat could be fire.

Willowpelt padded up to him, Spottedleaf once again following her.  "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Redtail shook his head.  "She didn't believe me."

Spottedleaf's eyes widened.  "What?"

"She thinks I've been misled by StarClan."

Brindleface came out of the nursery and towards them.  Redtail had become mates with her a two moons ago, and she was already getting ready to claim her nest in the nursery, as she would be moving there soon.  

"I heard your conversation," she said.  "What are you going to do now?"

Redtail shook his head.  "I don't know."

Brindleface's expression tightened.  "Maybe you just need to play it out.  See what happens."

He shrugged.  "I guess so," he muttered.

Where was StarClan when he needed them?

Author's Note: Sorry that was super, super short, guys!  It just has to be that way to flow properly.  Hope you enjoyed!  

Comment, vote, and fan! Thanks! :)

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