Chapter Five

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The wonderful book cover was made by Nivek321 of, or BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad.  Please don't take it, resize it, or edit it, as she put a lot of hard work into it.

Hey guys!  I'm going to make this brief.  Chapter Five is here!  Enjoy!  All credit to Erin Hunter.

Chapter Five

Bright sunlight blazed through the trees, the season of greenleaf evident.  Scuffling could be heard in a clearing, and a few growls here and there.  Suddenly, it stopped.

"Good, Redpaw," Sparrowpelt praised.  "You're almost there.  But, make sure to use my size against me."

Redpaw nodded.  "Ready, set - hey!"

Sparrowpelt leapt onto his apprentice, pinning him down.  "You won't get time to count in a battle.  YOu always have to be ready.  Danger can be found in the most unexpected places."

Redpaw felt a jolt run through him at those last words.  Something pulled at him, and he strained to look past his mentor's shoulder and saw those blazing amber eyes looking at him again.

Danger can be found in the most unexpected places, the StarClan cat repeated his mentor's words, then faded away, leaving behind a few ancient whispers, but then, nothing.

Sparrowpelt followed Redpaw's gaze.  "What are you looking at?"

Redpaw slithered out from under his mentor and turned away from him.  "Nothing," he lied.  Oh, he hated lying.

Sparrowpelt narrowed his eyes, but didn't reply. 

Thank StarClan!  Redpaw thought.  If he had asked again, I'd have-

"Let's try again," Sparrowpelt suggested, interrupting his thoughts.

Redpaw flicked his tail nervously.  "Okay."  He crouched down, prepared to face his opponent.

Sparrowpelt snarled angrily and leapt towards him, and suddenly Redpaw had a flash of uncertain realization.

Sparrowpelt couldn't be the unknown danger, could he?

Redpaw leapt to the side and pounced on him, pinning him down.  Sparrowpelt's angered face subsided and was replaced with a look of pride.  "Excellent!"

No, there's no way.  He would have finished me off already, Redpaw decided, climbing off his mentor.  "Thanks," he smiled, trying to hide his emotions.  To his relief, what Sparrowpelt said next washed away his worries.

"I knew acting like an enemy would help you perfect the move!"  Sparrowpelt meowed.  "You're a warrior that is excellent when you think you're in danger."

Redpaw paused.  "Did you just call me a warrior?"

Sparrowpelt smiled.  "Yes, I did."

"Why?" Redpaw asked.

"Because, you are going to be one soon.   You and your sisters have been apprentices for three moons."  Sparrowpelt reminded him.  Redpaw remembered that Spottedpaw was still a warrior's apprentice.  His worries about his sister becoming a medicine cat had nearly faded.  "Plus, you've got the heart and spirit of a warrior," Sparrowpelt added. 

Redpaw's eyes widened.  "You really think so?"

"Of course I do," his mentor blinked.  "Not come on, that's enough for today.  Let's head back to camp."

Redpaw nodded and followed his mentor, weaving through trees as they reached ThunderClan camp.  The two cats entered through the gorse tunnel, and right away Redpaw heard the familiar yowl of Sunstar.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" 

Redpaw's ears perked up.  "C'mon!"  He cried, racing to the base of Highrock.

Sunstar's eyes skimmed the crowd of gathering cats.  His gaze flicked towards Goosefeather, the Clan medicine cat, who looked wary, in the throng of cats.  Once the Clan had settled, he began.

"Out medicine cat, Goosefeather, has decided to leave behind his duties as a healer of our Clan.  He has served us well under the will of StarClan, but now it is his choice to live the rest of his life as an elder.  Thank you for your service, Goosefeather."  Sunstar dipped his head to the ragged-looking medicine cat.  "Featherwhisker will be our new medicine cat."  

Yowls of approval came from the cats.  Sunstar flicked his tail for silence.  "And now, another ceremony must be performed.  Spottedpaw, please step forward."  The she-cat smiled as she stepped up before her leader.

Redpaw's heart started racing.  Surely Spottedpaw wasn't geing to become a warrior already?

"Spottedpaw, Featherwhisker has told me he is willing to take on an apprentice."

Redpaw's heart stopped.  No!

"He has also informed me that you are remarkable with herbs and your compassion and kindness towards others is exceptional," Sunstar continued.  "Is it your wish to cease your warrior training and instead follow the path of a medicine cat?  You must remember that if you agree to this, you can never take on a mate or have kits, and you must not let anything get between you and caring for your Clan."

StarClan, no!

Spottedpaw looked up at the golden-furred leader, determinations sparking in her eyes.  "Yes, Sunstar, it is my wish."

Redpaw staggered back in shock.  Does Spottedpaw realize what she's just agreed to?

Only the soft touch of a tail on his shoulder kept Redpaw from yowling out in protest.  He turned around and saw Willowpaw looking at him with soft eyes.  She shook her head.  

"You heard her," she whispered.  "It's her wish."

Redpaw suddenly realized that Willowpaw was right.  He wasn't Spottedpaw.  He had his own life.  It may not be his wish to be a medicine cat, but it was Spottedpaw's.  StarClan would take good care of his sister.  He just knew it.

"Then by my power and the will of StarClan, I commend you as medicine cat apprentice.  Your mentor will be Featherwhisker."

Spottedpaw smiled as she touched noses with her new mentor.   The Clan broke into loud yowls, cheering on the young apprentice.

Spottedpaw beamed as the Clan rooted her on.  And seeing his sister like that, so happy and proud, it changed everything.

Ever since kit hood, Redpaw realized he knew this day would come, and he anticipated it fearfully.

Only now that it came did he finally feel content.

Author's Note: Yay!  What do you guys think?  Chapter Six is in progress.  I'm working as fast as I can!  :)  I hope you all liked it!  \(^.^)/ I'm so happy that this is coming along so nicely!

See you all next chapter!

Please, comment, vote, and fan!  Thanks! :) 

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