Chapter Eight

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Nivek321 or, or BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad, made the beautiful cover of this story. Please don't take it, as she put a lot of effort into it. Thanks! :)

Chapter 8! Huzzah! All credit to Erin Hunter.

Chapter Eight

"Wake up!" A voice hissed. "Redpaw, wake up!

Redpaw's eyes shot open and he jumped up in his nest. "Solsticepaw-" he yowled, but Willowpaw put her paw over his mouth. 

"Sh!" She whispered. "It's the middle of the night!" 

Redpaw fell silent. Willowpaw started out of the den, flicking her tail for her brother to follow. The tom squirmed out of the den and spotted his sister watching the camp entrance. The guard was asleep, but he couldn't make out who it was in the night. 

Following Willowpaw towards the gorse tunnel, he realized his sister wanted to confront him privately. He squinted against the chill wind that nipped at him. Leaf-fall wasn't far off, and he and Willowpaw only had two and one-half moons left in their training. 

Willowpaw abruptly stopped, staring at the trees in front of her. Redpaw waited, his tail flicking nervously as he shuffled awkwardly on his paws. Finally, she turned around, her icy blue gaze fixed intently on his dark brown eyes. 

"What's going on?" She asked softly. "You've been acting so... off... lately." 

Redpaw scowled and looked at his paws. "I don't want to talk about it." 

Willowpaw didn't back down. "Talk to me. You know I can help you." 

Redpaw was faintly reminded of Bearpaw's intense protection of Solsticepaw. His heart ached as he thought of the she-cat. Would he ever see her again? He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. No, he reminded himself, Solsticepaw's just a friend. Besides, she's a StarClan cat. We could never be together.

"I know, I know," Redpaw replied. "But, I just... can't. I'm fine." 

Willowpaw narrowed her eyes but didn't pursue the topic. "Alright," she finally sighed. "But just know both Spottedpaw and I are here for you." 

"And I'm grateful for that," Redpaw said sincerely. 

"You've also got Swiftbreeze, Adderfang, Leopardfoot, Patchpelt, Sparrowpelt, and even Sunstar to talk to. We're all here." 

Redpaw nodded. "I guess..." He wasn't hardly as close to his mother's first litter, Leopardfoot and Patchpelt. Plus, Leopardfoot was Tigerpaw's mother. Confiding in her had become awkward ever since his confrontation with the tabby apprentice. If he were to confide in anyone, it would be either Willowpaw or Spottedpaw. 

Or Solsticepaw.

He pawed at the ground angrily. Stop it!

He could feel the StarClan she-cat watching him. Her fiery orange eyes were tinted with an icy blue like they were changing. Bearpaw's mocking words rang in his mind again. 

"Of course! She's our Summer and Winter Solstice!"

Solsticepaw's starry figure faded away, leaving Redpaw staring into the dark bushes. Willowpaw noticed him staring past her, and she followed his gaze. 

"What are you looking at?" She asked when she noticed nothing was there. 

"Nothing. I... I thought I saw a mouse scuffle by," Redpaw muttered. 

Willowpaw's eyes slid back to him. "Redpaw?" 

The tom looked up. "What?" 

Willowpaw hesitated. "Can I... can I ask you... something?" 

Redpaw looked at her softly. "Yes, anything. But I may or may not answer it." 

Willowpaw tightened her jaw. "Who's Solsticepaw?"

Author's note: Sorry that was so short. It had to be that way for the chapters to flow. I apologize for any errors, because auto-correct on my iPod may have changed a few things.  Thanks!

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