Chapter Seven

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Nivek321 of a.k.a. BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad made the cover of this story. Please don't take it as she put lots of effort into it! Thanks! :)  

Enjoy Chapter 7!  Credit to Erin Hunter!

Chapter Seven

"Redpaw?" a voice echoed in the blackness.

The apprentice immediately perked up at the familiar voice. He looked for the source only to realize he was somewhere dark, where he could not see anything. He pricked his ears, desperate to hear the voice again.

"Redpaw," the voice repeated, granting the tom's wish.

"Where are you?" Redpaw blurted. "I can't see you!"

He felt fur brush across his pelt, and he closed his eyes, relishing in the soft touch.

"You came." The StarClan cat stated simply, her voice whispering in Redpaw's ear. Redpaw saw a flash of her starry pelt, but she was still nearly invisible in the darkness.

"Didn't you bring me here?" He replied, confused. Redpaw could feel the she-cat's amusement beside him.

"No, Redpaw," she replied. "You made the choice to come here. I only called you. You can decide whether or not you want to answer the call." Redpaw cocked his head. How had he chosen to come here? He just had gone to sleep in his den, and then...

"Wait..." he suddenly realized. "This is a dream!"

The StarClan cat brushed against his pelt again. "Is it?"

This confused Redpaw even more. "Where am I?" He voiced his thoughts.

"Where do you think you are?" The cat asked, her voice now coming from right in front of him. Redpaw understood almost immediately.

"You're right... this isn't a dream," he replied. "I'm in StarClan, aren't I?"

Right at those words, a glowing figure shimmered into view a few tail-lengths in front of him. Stars glittered along its soft pelt, and its intense amber eyes shone in the blackness. It was a tabby cat, with smoky gray fur, black stripes, and white paws. A warm smile spread across its face, and Redpaw immediately knew who this was, although this was not how he imagined the StarClan cat. Instead of old and withering, the she-cat was young and bright-spirited, her delight and happiness radiating off of her in waves.

"Welcome, Redpaw," she said, her young voice clearer than ever.

Suddenly, colors flooded into Redpaw's vision, flowing like water to reveal a lush, fertile forest. As the scenery expanded, he caught whiffs of fresh prey, and a soft breeze started ruffling his fur. He spotted a small waterfall crashing down into a rushing river, and trout flashed by in the clear water. His stomach rumbled, and he wanted to hunt desperately. The she-cat seemed to sense his urgency, and she padded towards him and set her tail on his shoulder.

"There will be plenty of time for that later," she meowed, "but right now, we need to talk." Redpaw leaned towards her.

"What about?" He asked.

The she-cat smiled. "You'll see. Now, come on, follow me."

Redpaw hesitated. She looked back towards him, her whiskers twitching with amusement.

"Come on, now," she urged. "I don't bite."

Redpaw laughed a little, and started walking towards her.


Redpaw rolled his eyes. The she-cat giggled and continued walking, leading the apprentice into the unknown. They had exited the lush forest, and were now heading past a moorland and marshy area. Behind them lay the forest and the river. Something felt oddly familiar, but Redpaw just couldn't figure out what it was. It was almost like he had been here before, but he knew he hadn't, right? Maybe it's someplace else that looks like here, he assumed.

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