Chapter Four

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The wonderful cover was made by Nivek321 of, also known as BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad.  Please don't take, resize, or edit the cover, as she spent a long time working on it. Thanks! :)

Hey guys!  I'm back! I'm trying my best to speed up my writing!  I hope I can finish by Friday! :D  Basically, what happened was I had a major writer's block for around a month, then I had a great idea, and the whole plot came to me about two days ago. XD  I guess I'll have to work with it! XD  Here is chapter four!  Enjoy!  All credit to Erin Hunter.

Chapter Four

I can't believe Willowpaw!  Redpaw thought furiously.  How could she think that I don't even care?

Redpaw walked through the forest in ThunderClan territory, looking at the scenery around him.  

"Well, that was an eventful morning," he sighed.  He clambered up the nearest tree, glad that Swiftbreeze had taught him three moons ago how to climb.

He sat there in the tree for quite some time- he didn't know how long - taking in all the fresh scents around him.  Suddenly he stiffened as he smelled something else.  It was a crisp scent, smelling greatly of some sort of Clan, but at the same time, it was... different.  Out of the corner of his eye, something flashed, and he looked over his shoulder to see a ghostly image of a cat looking at him.  It rested on one of the tree branches.  The figure shimmered and began to fade, drifting away with the breeze.

"Wait!"  Redpaw called, digging his claws into the tree bark as he slowly made his wat to the diminishing apparition.  "Don't go!"

The cat's amber gaze locked onto Redpaw's brown one for a single moment.

The Fox must reveal the Tiger's dark secret.

The voice rang in Redpaw's head.  It sounded feminine, showing the cat was female.  Right at those words, the spirit faded away in the wind, leaving Redpaw staring at thin air, stupefied.

"Redpaw!"  Another voice drifted through the canopy.  Willowpaw!  His sister's scent filled his nose, and he stiffened angrily as her pawsteps grew louder.  He smelled more cats, too, and recognized them as Sparrowpelt, Thrushpelt, Adderfang, and Spottedpaw.  Redpaw sunk farther into the branches, trying to remain unseen.  He hoped the tree's strong scent would hide his own.  Willowpaw stopped abruptly below him, and the others paused, too.

"Where did he go?" Willowpaw meowed anxiously.  "I just had his scent, and now it's gone!"

"He must've masked it.  He probably knows we're here and wants us to leave him alone."  Adderfang reassured her.

"I hope you're right," Willowpaw replied, unconvinced.  

"Let's head back to camp," Sparrowpelt suggested.  "Redpaw will return in due time."

"I agree," Thrushpelt voiced.

There was a moment of silence.

"You guys go.  I'll catch up to you," Willowpaw mewed.

"Willowpaw-" Spottedpaw began.

"No, it's all right, Spottedpaw.  Let's give your sister some time to think," Adderfang interrupted.

"O-okay," Spottedpaw said uncertainly, and the four of them left, their pawsteps slowly fading away.

Right when there was complete silence, Willowpaw looked up directly at where Redpaw was hiding.

"I know you're up there, Redpaw," Willowpaw said, raking her claws on the ground.  "Can you please come down?"


"Why not?"

"I don't want to," Redpaw snapped.

"Fine.  Then I'm coming up!"  Willowpaw replied.

Willowpaw climbed up the tree with practiced ease, then faced her brother, her eyes soft.

"What do you want?" Redpaw spat.

Willowpaw looked taken aback.  "I came to apologize."

"I don't need your apologies," Redpaw growled.

"Redpaw, I know it's been hard for you ever since Spottedpaw started shutting us out, but-"

"-I don't need your pity, either!"  Redpaw snarled.

There was dead silence.  

Redpaw met Willowpaw's eyes, but all he could see was blue fire as Willowpaw glared angrily at him.

"You don't think it's been hard for me?"  Willowpaw growled.  "I sit in bed night after night, knowing that one day, she'll be lost to us forever.  Do you think I don't know?"

Redpaw suddenly felt all his sister's pain, hurt, and sorrow, and understood.  Willowpaw was hurting even more than he was.

"Spottedkit!  You want to come learn to fight with us?  Tigerpaw promised to teach us!"  Redkit asked.

"Yeah, come on, Spottedkit!"  Willowkit added.  "It'll be fun!"

"No, thanks.  Featherwhisker is going to teach me about herbs!"  Spottedkit squealed excitedly.  Her face fell when she saw Willowkit's said expression.  "I'll only be gone for a bit, Willowkit.  I promise.  Then we can train to become warriors together!"

"You do realize she's never going to keep that promise, don't you?"  Willowpaw asked.

Redpaw nodded his head.  "I know."

"What will we do?"  Willowpaw voiced his concerns.

"Nothing.  She's too caught up in StarClan now.  She's chosen them over us," Redpaw replied dully.

"But, she's a warrior's apprentice!  Surely-"

"-I didn't see it until now, Willowpaw.  But finally it's clear.  After the arguement, I understood."  Redpaw cut her off.

Willowpaw's eyes widened.  "Redpaw, no, she can't be!"

"I'm afraid she will.  I always thought she was doing it because she got bored.  No," Redpaw said.  "Spottedpaw is going to become a medicine cat."

His sister seemed farther away than ever.

Author's Note: Hey guys!  Do you like it!  Chapter Five is done, and I just have to type it.  Chapter Six is in progress.  I'm very determined to finish this book and am writing whenever I can! :)

See you all next chapter!

Please, comment, vote, and fan!  Thanks! :) 

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