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Nivek321 of Howrse.com, also known as BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad, made the beautiful cover of this book.  Please do not take it, as she put a lot of effort into it.  Thanks! :)


Wow, we're all done!  I hope you enjoy the final part of Redtail's Path!  All credit to Erin Hunter!



Stars glittered in front of the warrior, a path leading him to the sky.  He saw the young black apprentice of his Clan watching the scene that had just taken place fearfully.  The tabby who had just sent him to his death noticed the little cat watching, and began to threaten him.

"Ravenpaw, you don't tell anyone what you've seen, or you won't see anything ever again!"  He growled.

"Yes, Tigerclaw!"  Ravenpaw whimpered.  

"Now, go back to camp and tell everyone Redtail is dead, and he was killed by Oakheart," Tigerclaw instructed.  "Go!"

Ravenpaw wailed with fright and raced away, back to his camp to report what he had been told.

Redtail shook his head.  Hopefully someday, the apprentice would be able to reveal the secret he had failed to.  He remembered Goosefeather's prophecy.

Fire will blaze through the forest.

He knew who this cat was now.  He had seen a flame-colored kittypet watching the forest on his fence.  He just hoped that this house cat would be brave enough to tame the wild.

He didn't have to worry about that anymore, though.  He was on his way to StarClan.

Goodbye, everyone.  Willowpelt, Spottedleaf, Brindleface, Sandpaw, Bluestar, everyone.  Goodbye.

Redtail stepped forward onto the path, the stars warm on his paws.  With each step forward, he felt the spirits of the StarClan cats calling to him, urging him on.  

It didn't take long for him to reach the top.  Once he did, he saw his mother's face smiling down at him.

"Redtail," Swiftbreeze greeted, stars glittering along her pelt.  "You've finally come home."

He looked at the group of cats and saw so many familiar faces.  Sunstar, Goosefeather, Larksong, Mosskit, Snowfur, and many others.  

"Let me through!"  A voice called from the back of the throng.  

Someone began to nudge their way through the crowd, and Redtail brightened as he saw who it was.

"Solsticepaw!"  He cried.

The she-cat ran up to him, the stars in her fur brighter than ever.  "Thank you," she whispered, tears in her eyes.  "They've finally accepted me."

"What made them change their minds?"  Redtail asked.

"You, Redtail," Solsticepaw said.  "You."

"What?"  He replied, confused.  "How?"

Solsticepaw smiled.  "When you told Bluestar about Tigerclaw and his dark ambitions and she refused to believe you, StarClan realized that it would have been impossible for me to stop him in the first place.  One cat against many wouldn't have allowed me to fulfill the prophecy.  You were against Bluestar and nearly your whole Clan when you accused Tigerclaw.  I was against not only a Clan willing to protect him, but myself."

Redtail smiled.  "Well, I'm glad one good thing came from Bluestar not believing me!"

Solsticepaw laughed.  "Me, too."

"Hey, Redtail!"  Another cat called from the crowd.  Bearpaw appeared, a smile wide on his face.

"You saved Solsticepaw and brought her here," he said.  "And I feel it... polite... to thank you."

Solsticepaw laughed.  "Always the polite one, Bearpaw," she mocked, repeating the same words he had said to her so many moons ago.

Bearpaw gave her a friendly nudge, and Solsticepaw nudged him back even harder.  Then the two broke out in a fit of laugher.

Sunstar padded up to him.  "It looks like the Great Fox has saved the forest after all," he smiled. 

Redtail nodded.  He realized that maybe it wasn't his destiny to reveal the Tiger's dark secret.  It was his destiny to save the Summer and Winter Solstice.

And that he did.

He hoped his warning would stay with Bluestar, and that someday she would remember that he had told her of the treacherous warrior.  Maybe the flame-colored cat would help her understand that when he spoke, he spoke the truth.

"Be ready, young warrior," he murmured, looking down upon him from the stars.  "You've got a big journey ahead of you."  Redtail turned around and smiled at Solsticepaw and Bearpaw.

You've got to fulfill your path.  And you can do it, he thought.  Because I fulfilled mine.

Author's Note: Oh my StarClan, I want to cry right now!  This is the very first book I have ever finished!  Ever!  I hope you like it, LionheartPublishing! 

I want to thank all my fans for helping me through this.  I could have never finished my first book without you. This has been such a journey for me, and I am both sad and happy to say it's finally over.

I especially want to thank LionheartPublishing for making this contest.  I would have never made this book without the inspiration! 

Another person I want to thank is CrazystarThunderClan, for coping with me when I needed extensions, and cheering me on.  Thank you so much! 

Guess what?  Redtail's Path may be an animated series on YouTube!  I'll let everyone know when it comes out!  And if you want to be a part of it, PM me for details!

Comment, vote, and fan!  Thanks! :) 

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