Chapter Twelve

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  • Dedicated to Iceielle of Howrse

Nivek321 of, also known as BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad, made the beautiful cover of this book.  Please do not take it, as she put a lot of effort into it.  Thanks! :)

Wow!  Chapter 12 is here!  I hope you enjoy!  Credit to Erin Hunter. 

Chapter Twelve

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Sunstar yowled.

Redpaw nearly jumped at the call. He had returned from his assessment around an hour ago with Willowpaw and Brindlepaw. They did the combat part of their assessment together, but they had hunted solo, and afterwards confided with each other over their results. Willowpaw was frantic, hoping that they had all passed, as their mentors had to ponder the results with Sunstar.

"Oh StarClan... oh StarClan... oh StarClan!" Willowpaw began hyperventilating. "He's called the meeting! This is it!"

Brindlepaw set her tail on Willowpaw's shoulder. "It's all right, Willowpaw. I'm sure you did great."

Redpaw smiled gratefully at Brindlepaw. He still couldn't shake off the electric currents he had felt that morning with her when they touched, and he knew that when the right time came, he would ask her to be his mate.

The three padded up to Highrock together, Willowpaw breathing slowly to calm her nerves. Sunstar smiled down at them. Redpaw looked around for his deputy, Tawnyspots, but then remembered that the tom was sick and in the medicine den.

Bluefur padded out of the nursery, her two moon-old kits bouncing after her. The she-cat looked troubled, and she kept glancing back at her kits. Redpaw smiled at them, and Bluefur returned it hesitantly.

He remembered when, only a few days ago, he had taught Stonekit the hunting crouch. The little gray tom learned very fast, and Redpaw knew he would be a great warrior and give much to his Clan.

Whatever Clan that was.

He had seen Bluefur a couple days ago talking to another cat, a brown tom. He wasn't sure if she was confronting an intruder or sneaking out and meeting this cat purposefully. He was too far away at the time to hear what they were saying, but they didn't seem ready to pounce on each other. In the end, Redpaw decided it would just be best not to tell anyone.

Now he was ready to find out if he passed, and if he did, what his warrior name was.

"Cats of ThunderClan," Sunstar began, "this morning, three warriors took out three of our apprentices for their warrior's assessments. Those apprentices are Redpaw, Willowpaw, and Brindlepaw. I discussed the results with their testers and we have decided that..." He paused, looking around at the Clan. Willowpaw took in a sharp intake of breath. "...they have all passed." Redpaw's sister let out a sigh of relief.

"See? I knew you could do it!" Brindlepaw smiled.

Willowpaw smiled back.

"Which means that today, we will have three new warriors!" Sunstar yowled. The Clan cheered their approval. Sunstar cleared his throat and began to recite the age-old ritual.

"I, Sunstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn." Sunstar scanned the three apprentices. "Brindlepaw, please step forward."

The pale silver she-cat did as she was told.

"Brindlepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

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