Waking Up With You

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Kagami-kun woke up about an hour after I did. He groaned and blinked slowly. "Hm?"
"Good morning, Kagami-kun." I said, putting my book down on the arm of the couch.
"Ack! Kuroko! You scared me."
"You fell asleep on me."
He sat up and rubbed his neck. "There's such a crick in my neck."
"I can massage it if you like."
He looked surprised before sitting forward. "You sure?"
I began massaging the back of his neck and he fell back slightly, heaving a long sigh. "You're pretty good at that."
"That's what my mom said."
He chuckled. "You give your mom massages?"
I shrugged. "Yes."
He was silent for a little while. "That's sweet..." He finally said.
"Well, she does a lot for us so I try to help her."
"Yeah... Moms are cool like that."
"Your parents seemed nice." I said.
He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks...What are your parents like?"
"Well..." I thought for a couple minutes. "My mother is soft spoken and kind. My father is pretty quiet and observant."
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? I bet they'd hate me."
I tilted my head. "Why? They think you sound wonderful. Maybe you could meet them sometime."
"I don't know..." He sighed. "What if I make a bad first impression?"
"You'll be great."
He looked up at the ceiling. "I guess we'll see. Do you have plans for today beside practice?"
"No, do you?"
"No. Are you hungry?"
"A little. We have rice balls in the fridge... I can make some miso soup..."
"Got any eggs?"
"Yes, we do."
"I'm feeling like eggs. You want any?"
Kagami-kun started making omelettes in the kitchen which smelled very good. I smiled at the sight of him making himself at home in our kitchen. This was something I had been dreaming of since I discovered his culinary mastery. He looked back and smiled, crossing his arms. "What's that little smile about?"
I looked at my feet. "I'm happy that you're so comfortable here."
"Oh yeah?" He jutted out his chin. "That's good."
"Yes, my parents are probably sleeping still."
"Okay." He said before lowering his voice. "Why don't you come in here then?"
I nodded and did so, feeling the cold floor against my bare feet. I continued rubbing my eyes as I approached the stove.
"Can I do anything to help?"
"Sure, wanna get the curry powder down and chop some onions?"
"Okay." I took down the seasoning before taking a cutting board out of the cupboard and two onions. As I cut them, they burned my eyes. "Here you are." I said, sniffling.
"Thanks," he said sprinkling some of the minced onion into the omelette. He didn't meet my eyes but stayed focused on his work. I watched him with amazement as he continued cooking.
My mom wandered out of the bedroom with a small smile. "Good morning, Tetsu. Oh, Kagami-kun, how sweet! You're making breakfast?"
Kagami-kun grinned and looked back at her. "Yeah, did you want an omelette too?"
Her eyes grew wide and she giggled. "If you like to but it's alright."
"Sure, I don't mind." Kagami-kun said. My mom sat down at the table and folded her hands in her lap. She looked out the window before getting up and watering her plants. I smiled, walking up behind Kagami-kun and wrapping my arms around his waist. I felt his back tense before relaxing. He put his free hand on top of one of mine and I heard him smile.
"Hey there, I'm almost done."
I smiled and nodded. "Okay." He finished making the omelettes and set them all on the table. "Breakfast is ready!" He called, gaining my mother's attention. She came in and sat back at her seat. We all put our hands together and said: "Thanks for the food!" Before we began eating. I met Kagami-kun's eyes and slipped my hand into his. He grinned, fluffing my hair before continuing to eat. I smiled.
"I'm so happy that my son found a nice boy to spend time with at high school." My mother said.
Kagami-kun and I looked at each other and our ears flared red. Kagami-kun cleared his throat. "He's a good person. Better than me, that's for sure."
I furrowed my eyebrows and my mother titled her head. "That isn't what Tetsu told me. He had never smiled so much since starting high school until he started coming home talking about you."
I looked at my feet as I felt my face heat up. "Oh yeah? That's cute." He said, kissing me on the cheek.
I smiled without raising my head. "Thank you."
"What did he say about me?" I smiled wider at his cocky tone.
"He said that you were bright like the sun. That you gave him hope for the future. Which considering how badly he took his middle school team's break up... It means a lot."
I clenched my hands on my lap and bit my lip. Kagami-kun took me in his arms before I could process what was happening. "I love you, Kuroko." He said with a rasp that told me he was crying.
"I love you too." I let my tears fall too, ones I didn't know I had been holding back, as I wrapped my arms around him. This familiar smell was my safe, happy place. It would be okay as long as we were together.

The Shadow and His Light (Kagami X Kuroko/KagaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now