Basketball Practice

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I was even more distracted during the school day than usual, I was thinking about Kagami-kun all day instead of taking any notes. When it came time for practicing, I almost bumped into 5 different people while running to the gym. I couldn't wait to see Kagami-kun! I hadn't even read my book all day. I looked around the gym to see Kagami-kun shooting some baskets by himself while Hyuuga-san and Riko-san talked among themselves on the bench. My face heated up as I walked toward him.
"Hello, Kagami-kun." I spoke clearly while standing near the hoop. He fell down mid-slam dunk and hit the floor hard. I backed up and furrowed my brows.
"Kuroko, stop doing that! You scared the Hell outta me!" He yelled while rubbing his back. Hyuuga-san and Riko-san walked over and he held up a hand. "I'm fine, I'm fine! I'm just gonna go get some ice." He said before walking out. I felt bad. What could I do? I hoped he was okay. I just sat on the floor and put my head in my knees. I was no longer excited for practice. I should have waited to speak to him but I didn't realize he would end up hurting himself. Maybe I would skip practice today. No one would miss me, they wouldn't even notice I was gone. I nodded, I collected  my things and walked out of the gym and back to my house. I opened the door, dropped my stuff in my room and curled up in my blankets. I would sleep instead of practice.  I would apologize tomorrow. Today I didn't want to leave my bed. All my excitement crashed and burned into pure guilt and worry.

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