I Love You

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(Thanks for all the attention to this fic~ I tried to make this chapter longer but it was kinda difficult. Haha, I'm not real accustomed to writing on my phone... Enjoy!)
I could hardly believe my ears. He loves me? He... Actually loves me?
I slapped my cheeks lightly to snap out of it and smiled brightly. My cheeks were so warm as I answered him with a fluttering heart. "I love you too... So much... Kagami-kun.." I whispered as quiet as I could. It was louder than it should have been but I could hardly contain myself.
Kagami-kun picked me right up and spin me around in the air. He was even happier than I had ever seen him. His face was lit up like the fireworks at a festival.
His parents were just looking over at us with confused expressions on their faces. They looked at each other and then back at us.
Suddenly his father looked over and cupped his hands over his mouth, He then spoke in a language I didn't understand."Son... What's going on?" His father finally asked.
Kagami-kun was too occupied with hugging me that he hardly even noticed his father's question. I was enjoying the hug but I figured he should answer his father.
"Ano... Kagami-kun..?" I began speaking to him in a muffled voice. My face was definitely red and I doubted he would actually hear me. I tugged on his arm a bit. "Kagami...-kun...." I spoke once again. I felt somewhat bad disturbing the exceedingly good mood he was in. I have seen him happy before, but never this happy. It made me smile and a bit embarrassed. It was a happy embarrassed... A giddy feeling. He finally heard me though.
"Huh? Kuroko?" He answered. He was still smiling and it was a bright, radiant smile. Now I felt even worse.
"Your father is trying to talk to you... I think.... Sorry.... Ano... That's a really nice smile." I informed him before smiling shyly as I complimented him.
His face turned somewhat crimson. "Yeah... Okay. Thanks. Um..." He spoke while occasionally grinning. Then, he fluffed my hair and looked to his father. "Hey. What did you wanna know?" He asked his father in that language again. I think it's English but I was never really that good at that class.
His father smiled and furrowed his eyebrows. "I asked what was going on..? You were so upset a minute ago but you seem happy now. Why the change?" He asked his son as he continued to grin at him. Kagami-kun's eyes grew wide before he closed them and flushed deeply. Well... Kuroko said... That he loved me too..." Kagami-kun mumbled. I had never seen him so embarrassed but it was pretty cute. I stood on my tiptoes and poked his cheek with a gentle smile. He smiled back.
His dad laughed and crossed his arms playfully. "Well, that's good. I thought it might be like that. Congratulations son! I told you that there was nothing to worry about!" Kagami-kun's dad laughed in a hearty voice and gave his son a hard pat on the back. I wasn't really used to the way those two got along but I have a feeling it was a friendly interaction.
Then, he turned to his wife. "You hear that, honey?" Kagami-kun's dad spoke with a grin. She giggled.
"Yes, dear. That's good. Now you've gotta go on a real dateeee!" His mother winked at him and he blushed and looked towards me. I continued to smile at him. I had no idea what his parents were saying. I had a feeling that was sort of a problem.
"What do you say, Kuroko?" Kagami-kun asked me with a nervous grin. All I could do was furrow my eyebrows.
I felt sort of embarrassed of myself. "Well... I... Ano... I really don't know what they're saying... I can only pick out some words. Sorry, Kagami-kun." I spoke while looking at my feet sheepishly. I felt quite foolish and I didn't want him to feel bad.
It took Kagami-kun a few minutes to realize what was going on. Then he chuckled before looking really sort of sad.
"Geez. I'm sorry, Kuroko." Kagami-kun said to me while hugging me a bit. It was warm. He turned to his parents. "Could we speak in Japanese from now on? He can't understand what we're saying." Kagami-kun asked his parents in Japanese and they laughed.
"Of course,Taiga!" His father answered. I could finally understand what he was saying! "As my dear wife said, you two need to go on a real date now, don't you?" He spoke again before laughing. I smiled brightly.
"Oh. Yes. That would be nice..." I smiled and looked at Kagami-kun. He smiled back.

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