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I got dressed and looked in the mirror. After 5 minutes I decided that it looked decent and decided to leave the house. Kagami-kun and I had decided to meet at Maji Burger to pick up some food before going to his house to watch a movie. I knocked on my parents' door to let them know that I was heading out before leaving and walking to the restaurant. I looked around for Kagami-kun and saw that he wasn't there yet. I waited a while before deciding to order the food now so that we could just go over to his place. I placed our order and waited off to the side near the counter. That was when Kagami-kun arrived. I waved at him with a smile but he didn't notice. Just then, they called my name for the order and he saw me finally. He looked surprised. I smiled at him. "Hello, Kagami-kun. Ready to go?" I asked him. His surprise turned to irritation which confused me. I furrowed my eyebrows before he spoke.
"You... Bought all that?" He asked. I nodded while then taking his hand in mine and beginning to walk out the door.
"Kuroko.." He then laughed. "I was going to buy the food, this was my idea after all." I tilted my head.
"It's not a big deal." I told him. He sighed loudly and held my hand tighter.
"Well... Okay. If you're sure." Kagami-kun said.
We walked to his house and sat don on his sofa. I laid my head on his shoulder with a smile. He laid out different films and we decided on an action-adventure movie with comedy and romance mixed in. I laid my head on his shoulder and held his hand the whole movie. He wrapped his other arm around me. It was the most enjoyable movie experience I had ever had.

The Shadow and His Light (Kagami X Kuroko/KagaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now