Rude Awakening

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I woke up groggily to banging on my door. My parents shouldn't be home from work yet, I hadn't been sleeping that long,had I?
I walked over sleepily and opened the door. I was surprised when Kagami-kun stood in the other side. Before I could do anything about it, he picked me up and started walking back toward the school. "Skipping practice really isn't like you. Come on, we need you." He said with a grin. I nodded but said nothing. He wasn't still mad?
When we got back to the school, he started toward the gym but I stood there staring at him for a while. He looked back to me, noticing I wasn't following him.
"What is it, Kuroko?"
"You're not... mad Kagami-kun?"
"Mad? No, of course not. Why would I be mad?"
"Because before... When I made you bump your head..."
He grabbed my head and ruffled my hair roughly. "No way! It just hurt is all, it's no big deal."
I nodded hesitantly. He punched me gently in the shoulder. "I miss you when you're gone ya know."
My cheeks flushed, smiling, I followed him back to practice. To my surprise, the whole team was waiting and smiled when we came in.
Hyuuga-kun crossed his arms with a confident grin "You can't ditch practice, we're a team. The only way we're gonna beat those old teammates of your's is together. We need you."
I smiled again. "Thank you very much." I bowed deeply before taking my jacket off and joining them on the court.
After practice, Kagami-kun and I walked back to my house. I chuckled. "You didn't have to walk home with me, I'm used to being alone."
He raised an eyebrow. "Of course I don't have to. I told you that I enjoy your company, stupid."
I rolled my eyes and took his hand in mine. His face flushed but he smiled. "So... Do you want to watch a movie or something?"
He smiled. "Yeah, that sounds great!" He grinned.
"We have lots of DVDs to choose from... Unless you'd prefer to go out?"
"Nah, movie night at your place sounds good. I'm pretty tired from practice. The captain and coach really know how to push us, huh?"
I smiled. "Yes, I am also very tired."
We ended up deciding on Silent Voice.  I was half-surprised when Kagami-kin started yelling in the middle of the movie. I smiled. It turns out that basketball isn't the only thing he's passionate about. After the movie was over, he cuddled into my arms. "That was so emotional." He mumbled. I pet his hair and continued smiling.
"It was a good movie."
"Yes, it was." He sighed a long sigh before going silent. Moments later, his body fell limp and heavy and I could hear his breathing coming in and out like the tide.
"Good night, Kagami-kun."

The Shadow and His Light (Kagami X Kuroko/KagaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now