Awkward Listening

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Suddenly Kagami-kun jammed his hand onto my head again. "This is Kuroko, he's a good friend of mine from the basketball team." He said. Out of his words I could only distinguish my name and assume he was introducing me in some way. So, I smiled and bowed my head a bit. "Domo." I waved. She smiled at me and waved back.
"That's very nice that you've made a friend, isn't it honey?" His mother nudged his father.
"Yes, yes. Quite. " His dad nodded.
I could feel my face growing hotter and my palms begin to sweat. I was very nervous and not being able to understand them made it even more nerve-wracking. However, I tried my best to hide my nervousness from my face.
At this point, his mother leaned across the table.
"Have you met any girls? Do you have a girlfriend?" I looked at Kagami-kun and saw his face flush red. What is it that she's saying. He became unite awkward when she asked. Was... She asking him about.... Relationships?
"Honey, it's really none of our business. I don't think Taiga looks comfortable. His father spoke in a tone that seemed a bit reassuring for the situation.
"I... Um...." Kagami-kun began. He fidgeted and looked more and more uncomfortable. I couldn't take it anymore. My fists were clenched and I stood up protectively.
"Please stop asking him these questions, you're making him uncomfortable." I stated boldly while standing in front of Kagami-kun protectively. His mother looked at me with wide eyes. Oh. That's right. She can't understand a word I'm saying. She looked to her husband.
"He says that you're making our son uncomfortable and that he wants you to stop." His father told her. She then nodded.
"Well.... I'm sorry Taiga. I was just curious----" his mother began. Kagami-kun gripped his pockets nervously and stood up before them.
"Fine.... I....I have to tell you..... Mom... Dad... I.... Have met someone.... The person I love is him." Kagami-kun told them in a cracking but bold voice. He seemed almost as if he were going to cry. I wonder what he said? Whatever it was, his parents were now staring straight at me with a shocked expression. Why? What could he have said?

(okay guys, if you're reading through this again or for the first time I am terribly sorry! I accidentally deleted the previous version of this chapter and had to redo it so it may not be as good...)

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