You Again?!

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(Hi guys! So, firstly, thanks for checking out this story! Secondly, I warn that this will likely be the worst story part because I have no idea how to start it ^^' but do try to give it a chance ^^')
I passed the ball to Kagami-kun and he dunked it quickly. I watched as he came back down and smiled at him.
"Okay guys, that's practice for today! Great job!" We were then dismissed. I then went to my hangout down the street and ordered a vanilla shake like usual. I sat down where I always sat and began sipping it. That Kagami-kun... If only I could stop thinking about him when he wasn't around. I felt my face get hot and covered it with my hand. I hated it when I felt this way... It's not like there was even a chance that he loved me too. I sighed.
"Ugh! So hungry!!!!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I laughed to myself. After he went through the line, he sat in front of me again. Times like this didn't help. I looked at him as he ate one burger after another. He then finally stopped looking out the window. He saw me and almost choked on his burger.
"K-Kuroko!!!" He shouted in surprise. His face had actually flushed red this time. I wonder why?
"Hi." I waved while smiling. "Are you okay?" I asked while furrowing my eyebrows.
"Yeah,yeah. When did you get here?" He asked while rubbing his head in aggravation.
"I sat down before you." I replied simply while then sipping my shake. "Why is your face so red.... Kagami-kun?" I asked. He looked surprised and then irritated.
"Uh.... I was just.... Thinking..." He replied while turning away and back to the window.
"About what?" I asked.
"N-Nothing..." He replied.
"O.... Kay..." I replied while looking down.
How strange... What could be making him act this way? And why wouldn't he tell me?
(Hey! Hey~ turned out better than I thought :D yayyyy~ please tell me what you think in the comments and like it if you liked it! Thanks so much!)

The Shadow and His Light (Kagami X Kuroko/KagaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now