Chapter 45

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                "Exiled?! Exiled?!" I cried, following Maven down the forest trail.
                After allowing us to marry, the three musketeers had us shipped off to the border of Norta. Just a few hours journey past that was supposed to be a nice cabin where we'd be safe—that is, of course, Norta would be safe from us.
               I shuffled my feet through the carpet of leaves, "Ugh, this sucks! I can't believe this! I was a queen, Maven!...Maven?"
               I looked over at my now husband. He was smiling.
               "What are you so happy about?"
               Maven stopped, turned to me, and grasped my hands. "Listen," he said.
              I gave him 30 seconds of complete silence before saying, impatiently, "I don't hear anything."
              He took a deep breath, "Exactly...look around us, Lydia. Fall is almost here and we didn't even notice."
              My scowl softened as I looked around. He was right. The air was crisp and fresh, the ground was already covered in a multicolored carpet of leaves and more floated down around us. I had never been this deep into the forest before and the silence was almost tangible, like it was gently holding us. It was only broken by an unseen creature snapping a twig, a bird chirping, or the wind rustling the slowly changing leaves. It all sounded like one big song.
               I looked back at Maven, but he hadn't returned his gaze to me. He was smiling and the pale sunlight glistened on his beautiful blue eyes. They were clearer than I've ever seen them. My husband. Who was I kidding, no matter what happened or where I was, as long as I had Maven, I might as well be a queen. But still...
              "Please don't tell me this was your plan all along,"
             His gaze snapped back to mine, "Goodness no! Lydia, you almost died!...Buuut..."
             I raised my eyebrows, "Buuut?"
             Grinning cheekily, he tucked his hands in his pockets and started down the trail again, musing over his shoulder, "Maybe it should have been."

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