Chapter 36

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               "You know you don't have to stay in here all the time. There's an entire compound out there," Mare said. I pretended not to notice her standing right in front of me as I sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning against the wall I knew Maven was right on the other side of.
              "You're welcome to play cards with us. Or use the fitness center. It's a hot spot, everyone wants to stay in shape for their next mission. It's not much, but..."
              I knew Mare wasn't much for making friends. Neither was I, but I wouldn't give her an inch. For the past two weeks, I barely left my room except to get food. I ate by myself in the mess hall and returned to my room, letting Maven know I was back. I sat with him most of the time. He was terrified and miserable, his mind going to dark places—more so than usual. He needed someone to keep him sane.
              Finally, Mare sighed and turned for the door, "Just a suggestion."
              "I heard a voice. Who was it?" Maven asked through the wall.
              Maven groaned, "What's she want? Trying to recruit you again for Farleys army of newbloods?"
               I debated telling him the truth for a moment, "Uh...No, she wants me to spend more time with the other Reds. You know, hobnob and stuff."
               "Do you want to?"
               I hesitated again, "No, I—"
               "Knock, knock," came a voice. Mare had left the door open and a familiar face stood in the doorway.
                "I have nothing to say to you,"
                She rushed in and sat on the floor in front of me, "Lydia, I've come to apologize. For everything. We should have told you from the beginning. I was happy for you and Maven, but the—"
                 "Did you know?" I asked.
                 "Did I know wha—Oh, about Ben? No, no! None of us did. That was between him and Farley,"
                 I fought tears. I couldn't decide whether to be relieved or not. "Why did he hide this from us?"
                "The same reason we hid our allegiances from you. We knew you wouldn't approve,"
                 "And why the Scarlet Guard? Charlotte, of all people to turn to!"
                "We joined the Scarlet Guard for the same reason you're sitting here on the floor: to take care of the people we love,"
                "And how does Ben dying help the people he loves?! Jo—"
                "Jo is fine, Lyd. She's here on the base. She's safe...and she's showing,"
                I smiled through my tears, "Seriously? That's incredible!"
                "It is. And that baby's going to grow up knowing his daddy was a hero and he's going to grow up knowing his worth as a Red because of us,"
                "Meaning the Scarlet Guard,"
                "Meaning you and me and yes, the Scarlet Guard, and Maven. We just have to learn to get along and work together,"
                I snorted, "That's never going to happen."
                "Not if you sit in here all live long day," Charlotte stood up, "Come sit with us at supper. I know Shade and Mare want to introduce you to a few new faces."

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