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"Ayyyye! same locker as last year

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"Ayyyye! same locker as last year. Oooh and same shirt as what....6th grade???" Jania teased leaning against the locker next to mine.
"Oh, you're still tryin to be funny?? My bad next time ill try to remember to laugh" I winked.
"I'm just playin you look cute I ain't gonna lie" she smirked and I did a little courtesy.
"Oooh you so fancy did you learn that from the white lady in your house?" She laughed.
"Now that was funny!" I giggled shutting my locker.
"What's your schedule look like?" She asked unfolding hers.
"Mmm lemme think; Homeroom, History, AP English, Biology and Calculus.
"No electives? Seriously who are you?"
"Overachiever. You know this" I rolled my eyes.
"Well your overachieving ass has zero friends to sit with in any of your classes."
"Ehh I don't care. I'm not really a huge fan of anyone in this building so it was probably stupid of me to TA last hour."
"You're a TA too??!!?"
"Yup. I'll see you at lunch yeah?"
"Of course. Have a good day brainiac!" She laughed.

Can't complain how the day has gone so far, not because it's been special or anything; sometimes uneventful is just perfectly perfect to me.

I shoved all of my books I wasn't going to need for my next class into my locker, reapplied my lip gloss and headed to the classroom I was TAing in;
Algebra 2.
I had to be in Mr. Hansen's class 10 minutes before it started so he could give me the lesson plan run down and also let me know which students might need some extra help.
"So the two people that need the most help as of now are Ashton and Billie. They're the only seniors in this class if that tells you anything" He chuckled.

I don't think it's funny to laugh at someone's inability to learn something new but I kept my mouth shut. Minding my business promotes peace of mind and I plan to keep my life that way as much as possible. I took a seat at the teacher's assistant's desk in the back of the room and started stapling the pop quizzes together. I'm sure everyone's going to be super stoked about this on the first day of school.

Most everyone had filed in and taken a seat. I stayed focused on what I was doing inadvertently listening to the countless conversations going on around me.

"Hey aren't you Mile's sister?" This guy Kane turned around and asked me.
"Half sister" I responded shortly.
"Y'all look alike" he smiled.
"Okay???" I replied a little more rudely than I intended.
"Mr. Edwards please face the front of the class! Everyone else eyes forward! I need your full attention. You're going to be handed a pop quiz....."

Que the whole classroom erupting with groans and complaints making it clear that they weren't happy.

"Let me finish please! This is just for me to get an idea of where everyone's at. Do what you can, skip what you can't. This is not for a grade BUT do not leave it blank!" Mr. Hansen announced.

I started to walk around and pass out the tests. I went up and down the four rows of desks, five desks to each row. The last couple of seats in the far left corner were occupied by the two people Mr. Hansen told me about. Not gonna lie I wasn't expecting to see two girls sitting there. I could have sworn he said one of their names was Billie.
I laid the quiz on the girl with the chocolate brown hairs desk and she never even acknowledged my presence. The girl behind her had blueish gray hair and had her hand out waiting for me to give her the assignment.
"I'd say thank you but I'm not thankful for this" she smirked. It made me smile but I didn't say anything; I just walked back over to my desk and sat down.

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