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I opened my eyes and the sun was shining, when I rolled over Veda was facing me with her eyes still closed

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I opened my eyes and the sun was shining, when I rolled over Veda was facing me with her eyes still closed. I don't understand how her step mom can hate her so much and think that she's evil. She's been a literal angel to me and I've only known her for like a week. Everything she's taught me and all of the comforting words of advice and encouragement she's given; I legit feel like I can trust her more than anyone else in my life right now.

I really wasn't looking forward to waking up and worrying about what fresh hell was awaiting me today because of Aarick.

I don't know what to fucking do. Disappearing sounds good.

"Hello!?! It's Miles just wanna make sure everyone's got clothes on!" He yelled as he walked through the front door.
I hopped out of bed and walked over to where he was.
"Aye good mornin Kanye" I winked at him.
"Im confused are you winking because I got laid or did you and my sister...?" He hung on his last word waiting for a response.
"You're so fucking dumb bro, nothin happened here. Just two friends talking all night" I assured him.
"Riiiiight well anyways I got breakfast. Where's Veda?" He asked walking into the kitchen.
"Sleeping. I kept her up until 4am, your sisters a saint." I stated happily.
"You think so?" He laughed softly.
"Yeah, I do."
"She's pretty dope; definitely deserves better than what she experiences around here" He explained.
"I don't mean to sound like a dick but why don't you do something about it? Why doesn't y'all's dad do anything about it??" I asked bluntly taking a bite out of a banana.
He was silent for awhile before he responded to me.
"I mean I can't speak for our dad but I really am trying to be a better brother. And I know it's lame because it took me this long but like I said; I am trying. I love my mom but she's bat shit crazy dude & there's only so much reasoning you can do with someone like her. I'm pretty sure our dad stays with her because he feels sorry for her and knows if he ever did leave her she'd keep me from him. Not that it matters now but when I was younger I mean. Anyways there's my POV of the Rivera household" He explained giving me a sarcastic thumbs up.
"Well good, props for trying" I said shortly.
"Good morning big mouths" Veda yawned as she sluggishly dragged her feet into the kitchen.
"Miles when did you get home??" She asked.
"Just now, you hungry?" He asked her.
"I don't know what y'all are in the mood for but I got bagels, muffins and some kind of fruit salad shit" he explained.
"Awww thanks bro. How was your night?" She smirked.
"Amazing!" He smiled. "Oh! Billie your bag is in my trunk, I'll get it after I eat if that's cool"
"Good lookin out and that's fine." I answered.

We hung out all day and it wasn't long before I lost track of time and the sun was setting again. Miles invited Ashton over and we all ate dinner and watched a movie. I felt awkward the later it got because I wasn't sure if I was over staying my welcome at their house. But I was scared to go home and definitely didn't wanna be alone; I am so fucking tired of being alone.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I asked Veda.
"Uhh sure, let's go to my room."
We left Miles and Ash in the living room cuddled up in a recliner, I don't even think they noticed we left.
I followed Veda out of the living room, down a long hallway and into her bedroom. It didn't look like any teenagers room I've ever seen. The walls were bare, here bed spread was just a plain white down comforter, her bed was just the mattress and a metal support frame, no headboard. She had a dresser, nightstand and laundry hamper. That was it.
"Hold on a second....Where's Miles room?" I asked.
"Uhhh down the hall why?" She asked confused.
"I just wanna compare. Give me a sec" I replied.
I made the short walk down the hallway and found his room with the door open. And like I suspected there were posters, art, hats, trophies, a mounted TV, and a fucking bed frame with a nice ass headboard. I know it wasn't his fault but I was pissed. I walked back to Veda's room and sat on her bed.
"So what's up, find what you're looking for?" She asked laughing softly. I crossed my legs and nervously ran my hands across my face.
"First off do not hesitate to say no" I blurted out.
"Ooooh k" she replied.
"The deal is; I'm scared to go home. My parents are always gone out of the country and show up sporadically every 2-6 weeks; give or take. Aarick is dangerous and knows that my parents are never home. He knows my car, he knows Ash's car and all of my other friends too. I....I don't know what to do" I explained trying not to cry. She scooted a little closer so that our knees were touching and grabbed my hands.
I've already learned that this means she was about to make me feel better and maybe even safe. And I was longing for it.
"Billie you can stay here as long as you need to, our parents are gonna be gone until graduation. And I'm really sorry that I don't have the answers for your ex problem but we can try and figure it out together. I mean there has to be something you can do, maybe a restraining or protective order. Did you happen to ever take photos of what he did to you?" She asked gently.
"Ugh yeah, I've got some proof lying around somewhere."
I squeezed her hands and felt a sense of relief.
"Thank you Veda, so much." I sighed.
"Girl we're friends now & it's gonna be okay, I promise" she replied brushing my hair behind my ear.
"Just promise me if I start to get on your nerves, cross boundaries or if you need some space that you'll be honest with me so I can get a hotel or something" I stated. "I don't wanna ruin this....our friendship I mean" I explained.
"I mean I'm not really like that, the only people who annoy me are my step mom and assholes and you're not either of those things" she assured me resting her hand on my knee. "BUT I hear you, so I promise I'll let you know if I ever start feeling any type of way" she smirked.
"Thanks" I half smiled.

"Soooo I couldn't help but notice that yours and Miles rooms are like the difference between a foster kid and a bio kid" I explained.
She looked taken back by my assessment. She scooted away from me and rested her back against the wall where a well deserved headboard should be.
"It's complicated billie. But it's cool, it doesn't even bother me anymore. I'm almost past this stage of my life, 269 days give or take." She explained.
"It's still bullshit, you're too good of person to be treated like a fucking felon" I mumbled.
" You're way too emotionally invested in this" she laughed. "But thank you for caring, seriously it almost makes it all irrelevant. You're really sweet Bils" she smiled.
I was getting uncomfortable with all of the compliments now so naturally I rolled my eyes and slipped off the bed.
"Aight I think my head might explode from all this sentimental shit soon" I laughed. "You got any cards?"
"Like poker playing cards??"
"Duh bozo, let's play speed!"
She left the room for a few minutes and came back with a deck.
"What the fuck?" Veda laughed.
"What? It's how I hide my poker face....don't hate!" I laughed snatching the cards outta her hands. I had my beanie on that covered my entire face. I feel like my face needed a break from being seen so fucking happy by everyone else.

Since when is smiling ever overwhelming, what's wrong with me???

I started shuffling the deck and explaining how I liked to play.

"Ok I got it, now hurry up and deal so I can kick your ass" Veda cheesed

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"Ok I got it, now hurry up and deal so I can kick your ass" Veda cheesed.
"Please, I never lose" I replied arrogantly.

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