Sweet escape

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I have no idea what happened or what was going on but I know broken when I see it

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I have no idea what happened or what was going on but I know broken when I see it. I've seen it in the mirror too many times to count. I told myself that I was going to stand here and hold her for as long as she needed me too.
My aunt always used to say;

"hugs don't get enough credit."

I think it's true. Sometimes you just need to feel someone else's heartbeat against your body to remind you that you're not alone.

When her arms fell to her sides I released my grip and examined her face.
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I just broke up with my boyfriend" she explained wiping her eyes with her sleeves.
"I'm sorry" I replied empathetically.
"It's all good, where those drinks at??" She half smiled.
"At the table, come on."

We sat and talked for awhile and she opened up a little to me but I didn't press for details. The relationship she just ended sounded toxic as fuck.
"I'm proud of you for ending it. I know it probably wasn't easy" I said.
She seemed caught off guard by any type of positive criticism and praise and it low key broke my heart.

"Billie! I've been looking all over for you!" Ashton said breathily. "Aarick just pulled into the driveway!"

Billie rocketed out of her seat and panicked "I gotta go...I have to get the fuck outta here!"
"Okay calm down I can't fucking think!" Ashton hollered anxiously.
"What the hells going on?" Miles asked obliviously.
"It's too much to explain right now but we gotta get Billie out of here like 5 minutes ago!"
"Yo calm down. I'm sober, I can take you wherever you need to go" He said looking over at Billie.
"A hotel. I just need to get a hotel for now so I think."
All of the sudden we could hear a deep voice shouting Billie's name from inside the house.
He was here.
"We gotta go!" Billie announced.

I've never seen anyone so terrified in my life.

We all went out the side gate in the back yard and luckily Miles and I had parked like two houses down.
"Ayo Miles wait!! Beer run!!"
Three guys from the baseball team came running up behind us and invited themselves along for the trip.
"I gotta drop the girls off first okay" Mile's replied.
I could tell Billie's mind was elsewhere as we walked down the dark sidewalk and came up on the car. All the dumb ass guys piled in & occupied all of the seats in the car, including the front seat.
"Aye yo Travis your ass is gonna have to stay here there's no where to sit" I complained.
"Nah man I'm already buckled in" he laughed.
"Miles!!" I hollered for back up.
"Veda just sit on my lap" Billie suggested shortly.
"No way I'll crush you, he needs to get out." I spat.
"You can sit on my lap" Travis interrupted licking his crusty ass lips.
"In your dreams fucking perv!"

"Veda.....please" Billie pleaded softly.

I looked down at her small frame buried under her baggy clothes and couldn't help but feel like I was way too heavy for this shit but I knew we needed to get her outta here ASAP.

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