Awe struck

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"Fuck ima have to go home my moms trippin" Jania announced

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"Fuck ima have to go home my moms trippin" Jania announced.
"It's cool I'll drop you off" I said offering little emotion.
The vibe really died down on the way home and I honestly didn't understand why I was feeling the way I was. We pulled up outside of Janias house and I stayed silent with my head resting against the window.

I should not be driving right now.

"Well happy birthday girl, I had fun" Jania said as she climbed out of my car.
"Thanks for coming out J" I replied barely above a whisper.
"Bye girl, I'll call you tomorrow" Veda said climbing into the front seat.
"Uhhh I am beat! How are you feeling birthday girl? Ready for some cake?" She smiled buckling her seat belt.
"My house or yours?" I asked dryly.
"Umm, the cakes at our house but Bil if you're not up for anything else you can just say that...I mean you seem kinda off." Veda observed.
"Well I feel kinda off so nice observation brainiac....or should I call you stripper now?" I replied harshly.
"Wow, it really bothers you that I did that doesn't it?" She laughed.
"Because you're better than that shit!" I snapped.
I could tell my tone caught her off guard because she was silent now.
"You need to relax, it wasn't that big of deal and it was like a bucket list thing. I'm not going to make it a fucking career, Jesus Billie give me a break" She replied seemingly annoyed.
"I'm sorry.....I don't know what's wrong with me" I mumbled.
I pulled into the Rivera drive way parked and laid my seat all the way back.
"Billie please tell me what's up?" Veda asked turning her body to face me.
"I don't know."
"If you don't wanna talk you know it's safe to just tell me that." She reminded me. I didn't say anything and she looked out the window and anxiously played with the rings on her fingers.
"Umm...So would you like to be alone tonight or do wanna stay with us? There's a cake with your name on it in there" She smiled hopelessly running her hand down my arm.
"I'll stay." I said softly.

We got inside and Veda and I both showered and changed since we smelled like smoke from the club. It was already almost 3 am but they insisted on lighting candles and singing me happy birthday. It was overwhelming, in a good way, to have people care about you so aggressively that they sing BADLY to you at 3 am to make sure that you feel special on your birthday. I'm not used to this but I wanna be.

I woke up at like 1 in the afternoon and Veda's bed was empty. I walked into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee that was still hot from whenever everyone else got up.
"Hey old lady, how'd you sleep?" Miles teased opening the fridge.
"Like the dead" I smirked.
"That's good right?" He laughed softly.
"Always. Where's V at?" I asked.
"I think she's in the garage painting. Tell her I'll be back, I gotta take Ash her straightener and all the other shit she left here last night." He explained.
"Yeah no worries. Drive safe."
I grabbed the doorknob of the door that led to the garage and walked out slowly. Her back was facing me and she was sitting in a metal chair with a large canvas in front of her. She didn't hear me come out over the blaring rock music that was playing, I didn't know she listened to this kinda stuff.
"Morning rocker girl" I laughed.
"Oh hey Bils. How'd you sleep?" She asked as she got up and turned the volume down.
"Pretty Damn good...What's this?? And what the hell are you listening to??" I laughed.
"I like to paint. I'm not great at it but it brings me peace and I WAS listening to Angels and Airwaves" she smiled.
"Never heard of em" I replied sitting down on an old couch.
"I mean I dont know a lot of people our age that have so don't feel bad. But one of the singers from blink 182, the one with higher voice, had two different solo projects; box car racer and angels and airwaves. Anyways, AA was my aunts favorite band, I guess listening to them makes me feel close to's stupid and I'm ranting" she laughed breathily.
"It's not stupid" I smiled.
"But umm, I gotta head home, my dads supposed to be around today and I need to talk to him about some stuff." I explained.
"Okay well call me later or something, I hope you had a good birthday."
"It was really good and I'm sorry if I was an asshole last night, I think coming down off all that alcohol messed with my was fun as hell though and you're an amazing friend." I admitted graciously.
"Awww sweet girl! Come here" she grinned from ear signaling me for a hug.
"Drive safe" she whispered against my neck.

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