amber & honeysuckle

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"So are you staying???" Ashton asked eagerly

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"So are you staying???" Ashton asked eagerly.
"Yeah. I got a place, my parents sold the old house and gave me the money to move where I want."
"Damn. Well congrats you sneaky bitch. So how long have you actually been back?" She laughed.
"I got in last night but I've been setting everything up out here for like 2 months." I explained.
"Are you gonna go to college or just chill?"
"Not going to college, I'm just chillin and writing."
"That's right and that reminds me you owe me a song! I haven't heard you sing in forever."
"I'm good on all that" I giggled. "What times the party start?"
"8" Miles butted in carrying a Keg.
"What time is Veda supposed to be here?" I asked.
"Mmm I'm not sure I haven't talked to her today. Miles is Veda coming!?" She hollered.
"Of course. She's on her way she should be here in like 30 minutes." He replied. "Does she know?" He smirked.
"Nope" I cheesed.
"You know she's got a girlfriend right?" Ashton smiled with her eyebrow cocked.
"And???" I laughed. "The fuck that gotta do with me? She's my best friend?"

Ashton looked a little offended but she knows it's true and didn't say shit

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Ashton looked a little offended but she knows it's true and didn't say shit.
"Hmm well at least if you need a best friend with zero sexual tension you know you've got me" she teased.

"Shut the fuck up!" I laughed.

About an hour and 15 guests later Ashton came outside where I was sitting in front of the fire pit and told me that Veda was finally here. I had never stopped thinking about the fact the she was dating someone but was trying not to let it bother me.

"Ouch Miles! You're pinching my arm! Why you dragging me outside I just fucking got here!" I heard Veda complaining. I stood up and faced the direction of the sliding glass door that Mile's had practically shoved her out of.
"Hey stranger" I smirked.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now??!!!" She screeched.
She hauled ass over to where I was standing and almost knocked me over with her embrace. We held each other for awhile without even saying anything.
I inhaled her and she inhaled in me.
"Still smell sweet, like amber" she whispered.
"Still smell like honeysuckles" I giggled into her neck.
"God I missed you" she said softly.
"I missed you too crazy" I replied.
"Lemme fuckin see you!" I laughed.
We finally broke our embrace but she held onto my hands as I backed away a little to take a look at her.
"Cute! So how's my college girl huh?" I teased.
I sat back down and she sat right next to me, our thighs and elbows touching.
"I'm good. Busy but happy, I guess" she explained.
"What about you??? Bils you look amazing!"
"Thanks. I feel so much better. The program was really hard at first, especially having no contact with everyone. But it was what I needed and it ended up being pretty amazing. The counseling has been great too and I'm still going to therapy of course." I explained.
"I'm so proud of you" Veda cheesed.
"But holy fuck I missed your ass!" She cried out throwing herself across my lap.
"Is that right?"
"You don't believe that I missed you? For real??" She asked taking a sip of her drink.
"I mean I heard you got a girlfriend; I figured you haven't been missin me too much" I teased.
"What does having a girlfriend have to do with missing my best friend weirdo, plus you've been gone almost a year. I only started dating her like 2 months ago." She explained arching her brows.

I picked up my cup and took a swig of my drink and decided to end the topic we always seemed to avoid.

The night felt like it was flying by but we were supposed to be doing a sleepover like we always used to back in high school. It felt so good to be back around my friends

"Veda come help me with your brothers cake!" Ashton yelled from the kitchen.
"I'll be back. You need anything?" She asked.
"Nah I'm good, thank you."
I caught myself watching her walk away and thinking about the time that she was in nothing but her panties standing in front her dresser. Now all I could think about was what was under her jeans.

Everyone gathered around the big dinning room table and sang happy birthday to Miles and then went back to blaring music, drinking and socializing.
I went to the bathroom and came out to a girl holding onto Veda from behind, kissing on her neck and shit.


I made a B line to the kitchen to collect myself and walked in on Mile's sucking frosting off of Ashton's fingers.
"Uhhh gross get a fuckin room!" I scolded them.
"So Bils did you meet any British hotties over there?" Ashton asked hopping up on the kitchen counter.
"Ummm, it wasn't really the time and place for that kinda thing Ash, what do you think my life is a fuckin wattpad story or something?" I laughed.
"I was just asking damn!" She rolled her eyes, leaned down and planted her lips on Miles.
"Shit I'm gonna check on Veda, she looks drunk as shit....I thought Kiana wasn't coming" he announced.
"Baaaaabe Kiana's here now though she'll take care of her, don't leave me" Ashton whined.
"Aye I'll go check on her, I guess I gotta meet the girlfriend at some point." I announced.
"Be nice" Ash teased.
"Bitch! I am the epitome of nice. The fuck!?" I laughed.

I walked over to the game room area and Veda was on top of the pool table dancing and singing every word to the 2PAC song that was playing. It made me laugh and I got caught up in the moment so much that I forgot that her girlfriend was standing there.

"Billie!!! Get up here with me, these assholes are lame as hell!"
"I think I'm good with my feet on the floor V, come on down before you bust ass your okay" I asked.

"Oh she don't listen."

I turned my head and the girlfriend was standing next me looking up at Veda too. Right after she made that statement Veda reached for my hand and I helped her down. It took everything I had not to laugh.
"Babe this best friend" Veda's face was flushed from smiling so hard. "And Bils, this is Kiana."
"Her girlfriend....." Kiana added.
"Yeah I caught that....nice to meet you" I half smiled and shook her hand.
"I gotta pee beauties be right back!" Veda announced taking off.
It was awkward as fuck to say the least.
"Soooo you go to USC too?" I asked.
"Yep. You officially outta the nut house or whatever?" She said with a condescending smirk.

Did this bitch really just.......

I cleared my throat and laughed smugly.
"Nah, they let me out" I winked.
"Hmm that's good for you I guess. But hey; before Veda comes back I wanted to ask you a favor......."
"Shoot" I replied nonchalantly sipping my drink.
"I want you to stay away from her so we can focus on our relationship."
She said it with such confidence I wanted to kick her teeth in.
"Excuse me???"
"I think you heard me BILLIE" she smiled.

The way she dragged out the syllables of my name was like nails on a chalk board.

She's threatened by me. As she should be.

"It's Kiana right?....." I asked sarcastically.

She half hummed an answer.

"You're not going to keep me from my best friend. So maybe take your insecure ass to therapy or some shit because jealously ain't a good look and Veda isn't gonna let that shit fly either."

"We'll see about that" she smirked and visibly rolled her tongue in her mouth like it was threat.
Like that's what's gonna be the factor between my best friend and I? Mediocre tongue tricks???


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