chapter one

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Sweat trailed down my neck as I lifted the final box from the car. The beginning of a sunburn, thanks to the relentless Sydney sun, tickled the skin of my nose. I struggled to carry the large box as I made my way back into the new apartment building.

After unlocking my apartment door, I dropped the box with a huff next to the other boxes I intended to unpack tomorrow. With any luck, I would mostly be unpacked by the end of the week.

Feeling a bit intimidated, I opened a box perched on the couch, revealing a framed photo on top of what appeared to be mostly kitchenware. Running my thumb along the edge of the frame, I smiled softly. My parents smiled back at her from the photo. With a deep breath, I, almost reverently, placed the frame on the table next to the couch.

I never envisioned moving across the world, alone, at the age of twenty. Literally knowing no one, she'd never felt more out of my element. I was not a person amenable to change or new situations. Being relatively introverted, I knew that making a new life in Australia would be difficult and scary.

Returning my focus to unpacking to avoid crying, I carried the kitchenware box to the kitchen counter. The forks and spoons clanged against each other with every step. Setting the box down with a huff, I glanced at the laptop sitting on the counter. It was already open with my email pulled up online. Biting my lip, I resisted pressing the refresh button for the third time in thirty minutes. I knew shouldn't expect any kind of response, especially this soon. I am only setting myself up for the worst kind of disappointment.

Intending to grab another box, I turned away, but, suddenly, my computer chimed. Without any thought, I turned around so quickly my socks nearly caused me to slip on the hardwood floor. Pushing my hands on the counter, I steadied myself. It's probably just a random email or my rejection letter.

"Oh God," I muttered as soon as I realized the email was from Waverley Council. My heart immediately began to beat faster, and my stomach churned.

I frantically clicked to open the email, and, of course, the email took a moment to load. I hold my breath. After the longest five seconds in my life, the email appeared on my screen.

 After the longest five seconds in my life, the email appeared on my screen

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"Oh my god," I shrieked to my empty apartment. "No way." I was honestly not expecting a job offer from my first application. I've always loved being in the water, and lifeguarding is one of the best-paying jobs a twenty-year-old can get.

I frantically typed out a response confirming I will attend the meeting with the head lifeguard tomorrow morning. The smile never leaves my face. 

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Waking up to an alarm clock was never a pleasant experience for me. I always wished for just a few more minutes of sleep, but today I quickly crawled out of bed before turning off my alarm. Nervous about being late for my meeting, I had no problem making myself stay awake. While eating some yogurt and fruit for breakfast, I mentally rehearsed responses to any questions that I might be asked during the meeting. Even though Waverley Council had already offered me the position, I still felt anxious about meeting my boss for the first time. After eating, I put on black athletic shorts and a surf t-shirt over a bikini. Since lifeguards literally wear swimsuits to work, there really isn't a point in dressing up to meet my boss.

I spent the rest of the morning unpacking more boxes and decorating my apartment. I decided to leave a little early. That way, I'd have plenty of time to scope out the area and be as comfortable as possible.

Walking along the Bondi Promenade, I admired the ocean and Bondi Beach. I even see two men in blue lifeguard uniforms walk by, but I headed straight to Bondi Pavillion. My stomach churned with nerves. Even though I have already been offered the job I wanted to make a good first impression. Also, just general anxiety about social interaction made me nervous.

The salty air from outside seemed to follow me inside the building. Following the instructions given in the email, I made my way to Bruce Hopkins's office. The door was closed, but I was right on time, so I took a deep breath and knocked. 

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