chapter four - First Day of School

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Marga POV

"No way!" Chloe voice boom inside our dorm. For sure her voice can be heard the other room. This girl have high pitched voice that sometimes I told her to audition in orchestra.

"C'mon you look pretty in this!" I said as I tried to convince her. She let out a big groan indicating she's not up for it.

Which she is wrong because I am super stubborn and persuasive.

"I told you I am not going to wear that. My clothes are all ok. It's very comfortable and I already used to it!" She said and I can't help but rolled my eyes on her.


Well let me explain to you what happened.

Just this morning, I tried to convince her to change her way of style. Since she look like a grandma on her outfit. I mean who wear long skirt matching big shirt and long jacket? C'mon we are now in new generation but she still hang on to old ways.

"This is only skirt and simple shirt. What wrong wearing this?" I asked her ridiculously.

"Hello??? Me wearing that? Do you look at me? I can't picture myself wearing that. Especially that skirt, it's short skirt!" She said and I shakes my head at disagreement.

"Can't picture yourself? You are more beautiful than those blonde we meet yesterday. They look like your side kick if you wear this. Anyway you have long legs and white pale skin!" I said while wiggling my brows on her.

"Yeah right!!" She said sarcastically to me.

"If you don't look good then you can change back to your original clothes. But I bet you won't since you will look better and beautiful on this!" I said while I wiggle the clothes in front of her.

"You just don't quit do you?" She said while puffing some air.

"Yeah..!!!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Fine.. if I find myself looks like funny. I will change it in instant. I don't want to be laughing stock at school!" She said to me.

This girl and her low self-esteem.


I began to dress her up and of course I put simple make up on her. She doesn't need to have fully on since she's already have flawless skin. She just don't used it in right way.

"Ta da....!" I said as I put her in front of the mirror. I smile widely as I felt like fairy godmother that transform her daughter into beautiful one.

"Wow!!!" Her eyes shines bright as she look herself in the mirror. I know I will able to convince her. The clothes are not that showy it showcase only her long legs which her assets. "Is this me?" She said while pointing herself.

"Yup! Told you...!" I said giving her knowing look.

"Do you think they will not say bad things about this? I mean, me wearing this?" She asked as she held the tip of her skirt.

"Of course not! Anyway those haters will say something but don't worry I am going to be there to rescue you. It's not like I am not used to it. Whahahah.. if they scream fight, I scream trouble! They will see who the badass!" I said while laughing.

"You know I can't still not believe you stood up Sasha like she's nothing!" She said to me.

"She's really nothing to me anyway!" I said with a shrugged.

"Wait till you get to school. She's like queen there. Most of the boys worship the ground she walk. She can get any guy she want. Except for those two who seem not interested on her!" She said to me.

"Then she's not that beauty. You just said that there's still two boys who doesn't see her like queen right?" I asked her.

"Yeah... But those two is really exempted. I can really understand. They have different standard when it comes to women. I don't even see them with woman!" She said while I shrugged. Don't care whose those two I am no interested!" I said as I grabbed my bag.

"Let's go...!" I said to her.

"For someone who hate school your way too excited!" She said to me.

"I am excited, I just excited to see my school." I said to her.

"Yeah right... Good luck to both of us!" She said to me smiling though still I can see hesitation on her eyes.

"Don't worry you look pretty!" I said as I whispered to her.

"Thank you Mag!" She said to me and I winch

" Don't call me that, I feel like I'm mug!" I huffed

"Hahaha.. but your name it's too short and Mag is cute you know!" She said to me.

I grab the gummy bear pack in my bag and i eat it my way to school.

"You and gummy bears, you both inseparable!" She said while laughing.

Just then we step into school. First thing I noticed most of students here are well off. Chloe here got in because of scholarship that's why my mom is so proud of her.

"It's yummy!" I said chewing it while eating.

"Your crazy, look people are looking it's embarrassing!" She said while laughing at me.

"What?" I looked around and yup she's right people are watching the both of us. "Don't mind them!" I said as I shrugged, still munching my gummy bears.

"What's your first class Cuz?" She asked me.

"I have English!" I said while I hand her my schedule.

"Wow we have three out of eight subjects. This is nice!" She said while smiling at me. By the way those boys over there are checking out on you!" She said while she lend down in my ears and whispered to me.

I shrugged since I am not interested. My mom ban me to have boyfriend since my past boyfriend did not went right.

"Let them be...!" I said to her.

"I feel lucky having beautiful cousin!" She laughed at me.  While I frown at her.

"What lucky are you talking about? We are both beautiful so we both lucky. Don't talk like your not!" I said correcting her.

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