Chapter ten - School office

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Marga POV

After we're done cleaning ourselves we went straight to the head school office. Right in the middle of cleaning, Chloe gave me a reminder not to mess with the school head, since she's very strict and she always have good side to those who have power and influence.

That's great! I said without enthusiasm as I mumble it to myself.

I hate it when people get away from doing bad things just because they are wealthy, powerful and influential. Where is the sense of justice in that? Why do people need to accept this kind of bullshit? When we all know that, there's no good resulting in that way.

I sigh as I watched the dramatic girl Sasha crying with her minions on her side. What's with minions anyway? Can't they talk?

Me and Chloe watches them but me I have this look on my face that obviously plaster on my face 'the fuck why I am here?' but of course I choose not to say it out loud since I don't want to get more trouble and Chloe here keeps sending me look to hold my temper still.

Sasha keeps bawling in her eyes, her hair perfectly disheveled like it's not obvious that she intentionally make it look like that way to make me a better bad person here. Did she think I care? Oh I would love to bang her head  in the wall or disheveled her hair more than she could do. Pathetic act as I rolled my eyes on her of course I didn't miss how she send a glare to me.

Then the head school took a sit and motion us to do us well. She cleared her throat, look us all with her sharp eyes before she decided to speak.

"So Margaret I saw your record and you just happen to be new student here. I understand there are still some rules which are not cleared to you. But since you assaulted Miss Sasha here I think I can't let it pass. A small fight I can let it slip but assaulting a person is a crime Miss Hunter! So since you are still new I am giving you suspension for one week but if I caught you again I will automatically expell you understood?" She said to me.

So I'm the bad person here? When I didn't do anything in the first place?

"Excuse me Mrs. ( I read her name with the name plate on the table ) Mrs. Thompson. I highly objected it. Yes I accepted that I am reliable for suspension but what I object is that,it seems like I'm the bad person in the picture, as if she didn't do something bad to me and my cousin here. What I done is very wrong I know that but I would never blink my eyes nor let it slip when someone do wrong me or my love one's. She bullied my cousin for three years, did your school know this? No right? I defended my quite , outspoken and well behaved cousin because I can't stand it. Believe me Ma'am I am not the type of person to start a fight but I won't back out if someone asking for it especially when that person deserves a beating!" I said

"I didn't know about the bullying incident Ms Hunter. I apologize for the incompetence on this school. If you can submit evidence of her bullying your cousin then I can assure you I will do something on that!" Mrs. Thompson said and I groans.

"Mam you have your CCTV in the whole school right? Especially in the canteen. I suggest you watch it so you will know what happened back there!" I said as I defended myself.

"Ok I will but it would be better if someone will volunteer to stand as witness!" She said then someone knock to the door and we all snapped out head to that person.

"Mam two guys here want to testify about the incident in the canteen!" She said and I frown.


Just then the guy who stopped me in the canteen appeared and the guy who stay at the back of Chloe appeared too. Wow just wow!

"Oh Mattie, it's nice to see you. How's your father and mother?" Mrs Thompson said while plastering a bright smile which she didn't do while talking to us. Clearly there's a sense of favoritism here.

"Thank you Mam. Yes they are fine, as a matter of fact they want to invite you to a upcoming events this week!" He said in a husky and manly voice.

"Really? That's great! I would love to come!" She said while can't help but to clap her hands out of excitement.

"They would be happy to know Mam I am sure!" He said plastering his smile that shows his toothpaste commercial white teeth. Just then he cleared his throat and look at me. "hmmm I am here to clarify something Mam!" He said then the school head usher him to continue.

"Actually this two girls didn't do anything. Sasha did something to them first that's why Miss Margaret defended themselves!" He said. And Sasha eyes went in horror.

"Mattie don't say it like that. You know it's not true!" She whined.

"Stop it Sasha stop faking it we all know your acting like innocent here. Not to mention you keep bullying Chloe. You should feel ashame of what you did!" That Cole guy said answer her back this time.

Wow I thought this two guys come here to make me look like a bad person here. Thankfully it didn't happened.

Clearly after what the two guys said Mrs. Thompson gives suspension to Sasha too. Of course my suspension is still on me since I assaulted her not that I denied it.

In the end she told us that she hope that this incident will not happen again. And she tried to make us peace which of course I didn't oblige. I don't like that girl, I really hate any person who will try to stand big and bully the small one. Especially the one who can't stand for themselves.

I know I am fierce, strong and badass but I can never do something she do. Fame, power should come from what you really are, not because you stomp someone like they are dirty little thing.

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