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Margaret POV

Early in the morning the hospital called and announced to me that my patient was awake. It's been three days since he went into a coma.

I gulped nervously as I tried to calm myself. I keep chanting on my everyday mantra trying to calm myself. You already move on. Be strong, they can't hurt you anymore.

I drove my car and went to the hospital. As I arrived I saw Lily smiling at me.

"I know I can count on you. The senator keeps thanking me for treating his son safely. Of course the fashion industry even gives me a discount if I ever purchase from her brand. Hehehe.. oh I love her brand anyway. And she even told me that you can have a discount too. Is it amazing we can both go shopping together!" She said blah and blah.

"Yeah.. I need to go now Lily. I will check on him!" I said as I fast paced my steps.

As I reached the door of his room. I knocked two times and held my breath as I entered the room.

I saw his parents standing at his side, looking at me. While my patient is still lying his eyes are closed. I can tell that he is still resting.

"Good morning!" I said. I went to his side and checked on his vitals.

Just as I move closer to him. Like a movie, his eyes opened slowly and his eyes turned wide when he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he attempted to stand up but winched when he just moved his body. I can hear him cursed silently.

"I am your doctor. I am here to check you!" I said to him,

He looked at everyone then down to me. His eyes trail down to my coat then to my face.

"I don't want you to be my doctor. I want another doctor, not you!" He spattered at me. I gulped trying to hold my anger.

I should stay professional in this kind of situation.

"I don't think that….! Before I could finish my sentence he cut me off.

"I don't care. I want to change my doctor. I don't want you to be my doctor! " He said again.

His mom went beside her and whispered something to him but he looked at me again.

"No! I don't care what she did to me. I am going to pay her anyway. So I want you to take her out here!!" He said to her, " Don't make me call security and drag her out mom!" He said and that's the final straw for me.

"Ok I will talk to the management!" I said as I turned my back to him.

I went out acting and playing it cool. Even though deep inside of me. I am feeling like I want to explode. But no, I don't want them to feel and see that I am the same person anymore.

I shake my head as I try to calm myself. I should never dwell on whatever thing that guy thinks of me. I am wasting my time here instead of playing with mgt baby girl now I choose to go here.

I went to my clinic and I saw my baby girl standing at my door with my dad by her side. My eyes turned wide when I saw her.

"Mommy mommy..!" She keeps chanting my name over and over again. And ran to me when she saw me.

I held my arms open as she threw herself to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her once I catched her in my arms.

"I woke up and you're not there. So I scream really really loud. You promised to me that we will go to the zoo today. Why did you go to work?" She said while I could visibly see the faint tears on her eyes.

I looked over my dad who look apologetically at me.

"Sorry honey, she keeps telling me to go to the hospital since you promised her!" He said

"Yeah yeah! Sorry about that baby girl. So how about we go to your favorite restaurant and eat breakfast there?" I said. My mood went from good to bad but since I saw my girl the hurt and pain vanished away. Yeah just like that I only need my baby girl with me.

We chanted happily while we went to our car. My daughter can't stop her mouth from talking and all my dad and I can do is laugh.


Third Person POV

But without Margaret's knowledge one person saw them.

She shakes her head like she saw a ghost but no matter how many times she shakes her head. She knows what she saw.

She saw a complete copy of her son but in the girl version. She can still clearly remember her son's smile when he was younger like that little girl. She smiled weakly knowing that she did so much wrong but she needed to correct it. She needs to do something.

She ran fastly on his son's room but she saw him sleeping peacefully. Her husband looked at her confused as to why she's looking so flustered.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"Honey, I think we have a granddaughter!" She announced to him making her looked weirdly at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"We have a grandchild. The grandchild that we have been wanting to have. She's here actually. She looked exactly like our son!" She said while crying while smiling.

"Huh? I am confused. What the hell are you talking about?" He said in demand.

Then she began to tell him the story of what happened six years ago. How badly she treated the poor girl.

When she finished her husband looked at her with unexplainable emotions on his face.

"How could you do that?" He said. "What if she doesn't want us? I mean what if she will..!" Then he looked over to his son. His son was sleeping peacefully not knowing about his daughter's existence. " What will we do?" He said

"Don't worry I will fix this. I don't care even if he gets mad at me. But he needs to know the truth!" She said,

"But didn't you see what she did to the poor girl awhile ago? My goodness, it will add more to this situation! He said "what if…

"What are you both talking about? " Matthew said as he looked at both of his parents. "You're both talking so loud that I swear even in my dream I can still hear you!" He said

"Son, I have something to confess to you. I know you will get mad at me. I just want you to know that I love you so much. And I swear if I can turn back the hands of time I will never do it!" She said making Matthew more confused.

"Mom just tell me ok?!" He said then she began to tell her about what she did and what she saw a while ago.

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