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Margaret POV

"Sweetheart we're here!" I said as I shake my daughter a little so she can wake up.

We already arrived at Matthew Place and my daughter is still sleeping in the back of my car.

"Sweetheart!" I said as I shook her again.

"Mom?" She said as she stirred from her sleep and slowly opened her eyes.

"We're here!" I said to her,

Just then Vanessa came out from the entrance door and walked fastly towards us with of course her husband on her back.

"Grandpa and grandma!" My daughter exclaimed as she spotted her grandparents.

"Hey our baby!" Mathews' mom as she hugged me and Sofia.

"Thank you for coming!" She is my sister.

"Can you take care of him? That guy is so hard headed. I swear if only he was not my son I would have punched him!!" She huffed

"Grandma, you can't punch my dad, that's bad!" My daughter butted in and we all smiled at her.

"Oh no! Of course grandma won't punch you daddy. She is just joking sweetheart!" Matthew dad said

"Come on, we have many gift for you right Honey?" Matthew's mom said and looked at her husband.

"Yes! Let Mommy take care of daddy first ok? Since daddy is still sick. We won't let you get caught from it!" Matthew dad said.

"Ok! Is it ok I will come inside?" I asked them.

"Omg do you need to ask dear? Of course you can. You can treat it as yours. My son has been dreaming of having you live here!" She said

"So we will entrust him to you ok? Anyway you are a doctor so you know what to do. Hehehehe..!" She said and packed their things then.

"Bye sweetheart. Be a good girl to grandma and grandpa ok?" I said as I kissed my daughter.

"Yes mommy!" She said and then they all turned to leave. With a final wave at me they all went out from the door leaving me alone to face this drunkard man in his bedroom.

I went inside his room as I knocked but no one answered. Upon entering I saw Matthew lying on the side of his bed grasping a bottle of alcohol in his hands.

I went closer to him and tried to snatch the bottle from his hold. He narrowed his eyes on me like he was assisting me.

"Baby?" He asked in confusion.

"Give me the bott…!" My words died as he interrupted me by lunging at me. Making me bounce backwards.

"What the? Matthew, what are you doing?" I asked him as he flock on me like his baby.

"Hmmm.. you're here!" He smiled at me.

"Don't give me that look! Come on let's get you to bed!" I said as I stood up and held his hands.

He groaned and held me back.

"Matthew! Come on!" I said to him,

"Am I hallucinating?" He asked me. Making me look deadpan at him. 

"No you're not! Come on, stand up!"

He didn't listen, instead he was about to swallow another shot from the bottle.

"No! You are sick!" I said as I snatched it away immediately making him groan more.

"Come on, give it to me! I think I am in a bad state. To think I am hallucinating you in here with me!" He said and I looked at him stunned.

Really? Does he still think I am just his imagination?

I automatically smacked his head in a not so soft manner. Then made him groan in pain.

"Goodness that's hurt woman!" He hissed as he rubbed the spot where I hit.

"That's for you, for acting like an idiot now!" I said as I held his wrist.

"So you're real?" He asked me again.

"Do I look like a cartoon to you here?" I said as I crossed my arms on my chest looking at him unamused.

"Sorry I just can't believe you are here!" He said, then reaching into my hands to hold him.

Good! At least he is now convinced that I am not his product of illusion.

As I struggle to put him in his bed since this guy is literally obviously bigger than me. I help flop himself in the bed and all he does is stare at me. I pressed my palm on his forehead only to find it very hot.

"You have a fever but you drink alcohol. What got into your head?" I said as I climbed out from the bed and went to my luggage.

As a doctor it's a habit to prepare a first-aid kit whenever I go. It's a good thing that I have it since I don't have time to look for his first aid at his house.

I went back to him then I noticed him staring again like an idiot where I came from.

"I think you are not ok!" I said to him, "Let's go to the hospital! So you better check up!" I said to him,

"No! You are a doctor and you have enough for me!"

"Hahahah… I am a doctor but I can't perform magic. Look at you, you look like a person whose brain being fuck out!" I said to him, making him chuckle and turn to grind at me.

"Well if you want I can…!"

"Don't you dare say it. Your perverted mind is working again!" I said to him,

"Here you drink your medicine!" I said as I gave him a glass of water and the medicine.

But instead the guy has the guts to put and run his hand over the exposed part of my thighs. I raised my brows on him as a warning but instead noticing it he even went further. I grab his hand and narrow my eyes on him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I hold hand.


"Nothing? Do you want me to split your head into two? Don't ever do that!" I spattered at him.

"But I want to do things with you!" He said while giving me a seductive look.

"You are sick! Stop giving me that look!" I said

"Oh come on! I am not sick! I am strong. I can lift you in no time. I swear I can make you scream my name in my state right now!"

"You are so incorrigible! Why don't you relax and sleep?" I said to him,

"I will sleep if you make me fall asleep!" He said and I know that line since he always gives me that during our made out session in college days.

"Stop it Matthew!" I said but the idiot didn't listen. I tried to hold but he didn't budge at all. Instead he keeps his move more bolder and I turn wide eyes when he kisses my neck.

"Mathews stop! You need to take a rest!"

"You can make me rest!" He whispered in my ears in a very seductive way. His lips brushing my ears and I feel goosebumps and my stomach hitch just by feeling his lips on my skin.

"Oh God stop being a pervert! Just stay still and cooperate for once!" I said as I tried to fight the feeling that was burning inside me.

"Well I can get rest, you know but it's your fault that I am hot and bothered right now. Since seeing you in that skirt of yours makes me want to take it off. My hands are dying to snatched it!" He whispered to me.

"Pervert! Just take your rest!"

"Make me sweetheart!"

"That's what I'm telling you now. So please stop and rest your body!"

"I like my body this way. And I still do not want to rest. If you want to make me rest make me work damn hard and I promise you I will sleep peacefully. But not before you know if you give me what I want!" He said.

"Fine! B.." of course I didn't get the chance to complete my sentence as he launched himself at me.

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