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Margaret POV

I tried to steady my body as I grabbed the side of my bathroom for support.

Just a while ago my vision blurry and turned to shade of black. And I was awoken by an urge of my stomach rising that I wanted to vomit.

And this has happened two consecutive days now. Just then my mind drifted back to the time I was drunk and I woke up in Matthew's bed naked. I cupped my mouth and hurriedly went to the nearest pharmacy.

Good thing Sofia is not with me since she's with her grandparents. I opened the pharmacy door and quickly ordered a pregnancy test in ten pieces, just to make sure!.

After the cashier gave me my order I took it and went immediately to my house. I locked my door and went to the washroom to take the test. As I waited for the results. My heart keeps pounding like crazy and anyone who looks at me will surely say that I just took shower. But no I am just sooked by my own swear, gross! I can't help it though. I am nervous and anxious.

What if….

No… no… don't think something like that please. It's not gonna happen again.

My alarm clock rings since I set it for five minutes for the results of the pregnancy tests.

I grabbed them one by one and I looked at them in horror. I feel like my soul left my body and shivers run through me. My breath hitch as I clutch one of the tests. I closed my eyes as I tried to steady my breathing and relax.

I've been through this stage of my life. And I know I am going to make it again.

I looked at the test again to make sure that I am not hallucinating or something but it's still the same results. It shows two lines that means it's positive. I am pregnant again with the same guy.

I went to my bed and took a seat. My mind slowly moves again and I think of a possible solution to my problem.

I know this pregnancy is kind of not the right time. Yesterday Matthew and I had a big fight.

Yesterday morning I was awakened by Mark and Chloe's phone calls. I even shouted at them to get lost. I had facetime with both of them instead.

"What?" I shouted at Chloe and Mark.

" Did you see the news?" They both started and I looked at them confused.

"What news?" My god if Matthew told something again to the public I swear I am going to castrate him. I said to myself.

"Please don't get mad, ok? We are here for you!" Mark said and I am more confused now.

What's happening?

"Just let me open my news, ok? You're making me dizzy from your acting!" I told them.

Just as I clicked the front page. I saw pictures of Matthew and that girl named Kendall sleeping next to each other. Her body was obviously naked beneath the blanket. And his arms around her small frame. Matthew's face is buried on the pillow and you can only see his back but his face is visible since it's facing the camera.

I almost dropped my phone when I saw them. I gulped painfully as I can't explain what I am feeling right now.

My thoughts lingers on the images of them together. Now, I slowly feel like my heart broke again into pieces. Why does it happen to me every time and with the same guy?

"Are you still there Mags? Do you want us to come over?" Chloe voices on the phone. I forget that my facetime with them is still on.

I grabbed the phone with shaky hands and tried to look calm as I smiled at them.

"You ok?" She asked again in a worried eyes.

"Yes!" My tears almost spilled out but I was forced to stop it. I don't want to be the same woman again. I was able to withstand it back there so I can and I will this time too.

"Come on, tell us what you feel? Please don't think negatively, ok? Maybe it's not what we thought was right? Maybe Matthew has a good explanation for this!" She said while she looked at me with pity eyes.

"No, I am ok!" I showed her my smile.

"Ok! Don't hesitate to tell us ok? We both are here for you!" Mark said on the other side.

"Thank you! I will hang up now!" I said as I cut off my call.

I went to the kitchen trying to be as normal as possible. I shake off those images from my brain.

"Mommy?" My daughter asked me with a worried face.

"Morning baby!" I said to her,

"I've been calling you many times. But you didn't seem to listen? Are you ok mom?" She asked and I felt like crying. I didn't even realize my daughter is here. What happened to me?


"I'm ok baby!"


"What do you want to eat?"

"You know I love your pancakes Mom!" She said with a smile.

"Yeah!" I should never be sad. I still have my daughter with me and that's enough for me.

After that I drove my daughter to her school then went to work. Matthew's father called me and told me if they can borrow Sofia this afternoon and I said yes. I think I need time to think about it and it's a good thing that she can't see her mom in this state. The look on her face a while ago breaks my heart.

Then my phone beeps and I see Matthew's messages. He said he will come to the house tonight at least Sofia is with her grandparents so she can't hear anything. And I need to end things with him. I don't think we are both destined together.

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