Chapter twenty one - Crazy Cousin

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Margaret POV

"I'm so sleepy Clo!" I whined as I looked at my cousin with my sleepy eyes.

"But we need to finish our project Mag since we need to submit it by tomorrow!" She said as I can't stop complaining on why do we need to finish it in the guys dorm since we can do it by two pairs.

"You just want to see that Cole guy you know. If I know you just make this project a reason to see that guy" I said as I tried to argued her.

"What are you talking about? It's all about our project!" She glared at me.

"As if I didn't knew about your little date yesterday!" I said as I scoffed.

"You knew?" She asked me as her cheeks turns to shade of pink.

"Yeah.. I saw you sneaking out our dorm. It's obvious!" I said nonchalantly

"God! It's so embarrassing!" She said as she cover her face with her hands.

"What's so embarrassing?"

"Me? Being idiot and crazy over a guy!" She said while I give her a faint smile.

"Hahah.. it's only normal Chloe. No need to embarrass about it!"

"But I acted silly and weird when I am with him!"

"What happened yesterday?" I asked her confused with my eyes wide open.

"Ohh.. it's just that! He almost kissed but I kind of put my hands up!" Making me laugh at her embarrassing story. It's really embarrassing after all.

"And why did you put your hands up? Goodness I don't want to picture that in my head!" I said as I burst out laughing.

"Shut up Mag! And I fastly till I get inside the house. Oh god! Isn't it embarrassing?" She said to me and I can't help but to burst more laughed.

"And why did you run? And you left him outside?" I said as I can't stop laughing while she can't stop smacking me using her books. "Hey that hurts!" I said to her.

" I got panicked ok? Oh my god what will he says about me?!" She said to me and I can't still stop laughing. The fact that she reacted that way and now we are planning to meet the guys again for the project. I bet this going to be either awkward or funny.

"Shit! Check out your phone. Cole texted me that we are going to meet at the same place we meet last Saturday!" She said while reading the text from her phone. I glanced sideways since I saw her smiling while she read the message. So me as idiot cousin I peeked on her screen.

My eyes turn wide as I saw some cringe messages from that guy Cole of course! She can't seem to stop smiling since she didn't realized that I already done reading all the messages. I winched as how sweet that sound of that guy even over text.

"Hey stop reading!" She said as she tried to hide her phone. Which it's too late since I already done it.

"Too late! My goodness, you too should go on a date. Let's just pausepon our project making and you both can go on date!" I said so her as I wiggle my brows on her.

"Shut up! We are not going to pausepon it ok? Let go , he said they are already there waiting for us!"

"Why are they so early?" I said complaining since they are thirty minutes earlier than we planned.

"Stop complaining and move Marga!" Chloe said to me.

We both head to the same place that we meet the two guys last time. Good thing it's only eight minutes away from our dorm. Just as they said both of them already there since I can see from far. As we came to approach them I saw Cole smiling to Chloe sweetly and I shake my head.

"Gezz get a room you two!" I said them as I saw them making telepathic movements.

"Shhhh.. Stop it!" Chloe said and I smile while shrugging my shoulder to her.

Just as we about to head to each of the boys car. I grab my bag and opened soon I realized that something is important missing on it. Mathew senses me as he eye close to me.

"You ok?" He asked me while looking at me with worried eyes.

"I think I forgot something!" I said as I pouted.

Chloe and Cole went to our side looking at me.

"What happened Cuz?" Chloe asked me.

"I think I forgot something Clo!" I said while thinking on how to grab that thing. I looked around and saw a store. Surely they have it there.

"What?" She asked me with same worried eyes like Mathew.

"I forgot my pack of gummy bears. Now I am super craving it now!" I said to them while I pouted my lips and blink my eyes few times.

Chloe face turn worried until her eyes narrowed at me. Obviously she's not liking what I said.

"You, I thought it's something serious and you only left your pack of gummy bears in the house. Yet you acted like you're in the verge of dying!" She said while pointing her fingers on me.

"Chloe you know how much I love gummy bear! I can't survive without munching in a day!" I said to her as I reasons out.

Why is she so against of my gummy bears?

"You can eat it when we get home. Come on hurry up. Let's finish the project!" She said as she walked away from us. And I glared at her while I mimicking her actions.

"Do you really wanna eat gummy bear?" Mathew said to me and I looked at him with my pleading eyes.

"I saw you eyeing that store over there. Do you want to go there? Maybe they have packets of gummy bears there!" He said to me with a soft smile of his face

"Hmmm!" I nodded my head vigorously.

"Matthew please don't give in to her. It's just her silly obsession of gummy bears. She have boxes of it at home. She won't die yet if she can't eat it for now!" Chloe said as she settle inside Cole car but open the windows and shouted at us.

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