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E L L I E   R O S E ~

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E L L I E   R O S E ~

"GOOD MORNING SLEEPYHEAD!" Melanie Shouted waking me up.

"Mel, Please let me sleep" I groaned pulling the pillow besides me over my head. "Well, too bad sleepyhead, I'm already here to annoy you" she said pulling the pillow off of me with smirk.

I groaned rolling into my stomach. "Now get ready and meet me downstairs in 20" she said heading out from my room. God. "I wonder why she's so happy?" I Muttered and got out from the bed before walking to my closet. I changed into something comfortable and headed out from the closet doing my hair into messy bun.

 I changed into something comfortable and headed out from the closet doing my hair into messy bun

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(Ellie's Outfit)

After getting freshed and ready, I went downstairs to the living room to see mom and Melanie sitting down on the couch, talking. Why are they looking so happy?

"I'm done Mel" I shrugged when Melanie and mom looked up at me.

"Good morning, baby" Mom smiled at me.

"Good morning, mom" I replied back.

"GURL! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Melanie Shouted running to me and pulling me into tight hugged. I let out a chuckled and hugged her back.

"I missed you too but I-I can't breathe" I replied.

"Oh sorry" Mel chuckled pulling away from me and I let out a sighed.

"Alright than, You two have fun. I've to leave for the office" Mom said putting on her heels.

"Have a nice day, Mom" I replied.

"You two, too" that's all mom said and walked out from the home, closing the door behind her.

"Now, Tell me how many times?" Mel asked causing me to frowned.

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