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E L L I E   R O S E ~

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E L L I E   R O S E ~

The weekend is over now and it's time for me to go back to the work. As usual I took shower and went to the closet to dressed up. Everything is normal now. I'd spent the weekend with my girls and shopping and watching Netflix. Mum went to a business trip, so I can do whatever I want. Party, girls night, club night everything and about Mason, when he told me that he's mafia leader I was shocked. Yes, I was, I mean who wouldn't be? I just found out the man I love is mafia leader. But he was surprised when I didn't care about it. But i'm still mad with him for hiding it from me. After finishing dressed up and makeup, I went downstairs ready to leave.

(Ellie's Outfit)

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(Ellie's Outfit)

I put on my heels and opened the door to see Mason standing leaning against his black gorgeous car with arm crossed over his chest. He was wearing riped pant and navvy blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing his inks. He'd got even more handsome.

Why this man needs to be so Breathtakingly sexy?

Well, And he's mine.

I Pretended not to see him and made my way straight towards my car but a arm grabbed me by my waist and lift me up in the bridal style causing me to yelp.

"Not so fast, love" Mason smirk carrying me towards his car.

"Put me down!" I shoot him a glared trying to get down but I forgot he's Mason Williams. He sat me down inside his car before leaning closer to my face.

"Sit here like a good girl. Don't even fucking dare to put your one leg out of this car" he warned causing me to roll my eyes. His jaw tightened. I was showing confidence so much outside and inside my heart was beating faster. He's really pissed off.

"Did you just roll your pretty eyes on me, Sweetheart?" Mason raise an eyebrow gripping my jaw forcing me to looked up at him. His beautiful blue eyes met mine.

"Yes, I did" I replied back and a devilish smirk tugged on his lips.

"We've to fixed that attitude of yours, hm?" He smirked.

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