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Chapter- 50

Mason's PoV

I watched as she left my office.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I don't know the pull or attraction I feel towards her. I can't fucking remember anything except those blurry memories. Every fucking thing is blurry. It feels like I know her. Those kids are mine but-

I cleanched my hair shutting my eyes closed.

I remember her name, face, smell, everything then why can't I remember anything about us. Who's she to me? Fuck. I can't help the pull I can feel towards her. Those kissable lips, those damn beautiful eyes- stop!

"Mason? Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes revealing Amara. She was standing in the door looking at me with confused.

I let out a sigh looking away from her.

"I'm fine" I mumbled walking towards the desk.

"I just saw Ellie and she-"

"I don't want to talk about her" I cut her off before taking a sip of my drink. I just need to get her outta my mind. She's nothing. Nothing to me.

"Mason please you've to-"

"I don't want to fucking remember anything Amara. I'm fine" I hissed running my hands through my hair feeling a strange pain in head. I shut my eyes closed.

"Fine Mason but did you take your medicine??" Amara rushed over to me. Her face held worry. I shook my head unble to speak from the pain I was feeling.

"You- You're really a idiot! Let me get you your medicine" She muttered walking me over the couch and sit me down. I threw my head back as few blur memories started to take me over.


"Stop! I'm sorry Mason please!" Her laugh filled the room as I continued to tickling her. "Oh my god!"

"Punishment is Punishment bella" I smirked. Her beautiful face covered with her hair. I pulled her up in my lap. Her chest rising and falling, still a beautiful smile playing on her face. I gently brushed the hair away from her face.

It went silent as she looked at me into my eyes.

"Always stay with me Mason" She murmured cupping my face gently. "I won't be able to live without you"

I stared at her for seconds before placing a kiss on her lips.

"Always Bella" I rest my forehead against her. "Always" I whispered as we both closed our eyes.



I opened my eyes breathing hard. That face- that face was blurry. But I've seen that face before somewhere. That voice sounded just like Ellie. God.

"Here's your medicine" Amara ran towards me with a glass of water and my medicine. I took the pill and threw my head back trying to be cool.

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