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Ellie Rose ~

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Ellie Rose ~

Next Evening ▪︎

"Um, How am I looking?" I asked the three girls sitting over the bed arguing over a pair of damn earrings. They stopped before looking over at me taking a moment to checked me from up to down.

"Beautiful- So damn beautiful" Amara exclaimed. "Gorgeous!" Melanie exclaimed checking me from up to down. "I don't think you need any compliment gurl, You're always stunning" Ciara smirked. My girls.

"Thank you so much" I grinned at them but who am I kidding? They're already back in argued again. God. I roll my eyes and looked at myself through full body mirror. I'm glad that Amara got comfortable with Melanie and Ciara. They got along really well. I took a deep breathe.

You're looking perfect.

I'm getting ready for the business dinner with Mason. He want me to be with him there as his girlfriend. I was nervous at first because It was my first time being in such a highly successful Businessman's dinner and not only that- I'm going there as 'Mason Williams' girlfriend. One of the most powerful, highly successful Businessman of italy and also a Mafia leader. So I'm really nervous but thankfully my girls got here to help me.

"ALRIGHT! IT'S FINAL" Melanie clapped her hands to get our attention. I roll my eyes and turned around to see them. "Ellie going to wear this pair of earrings. After a big argument we came to a decision" Melanie says when Amara and Ciara nodded their head agreeing with Melanie. "Thank god! at last I can finally put on the earrings" I sighed taking the earnings from Ciara's hand causing them to chuckle. "We're your besties and we'll always want the best thing for you" Ciara says when I put on the earrings.

"I hope I'm looking-"

"GODDAMMIT GIRL! You're looking absolutely gorgeous" Amara yelled throwing the pillow hard against Ciara's face causing her to groaned. "Ouch! What was my fault?" Ciara asked rubbing her nose glaring at Amara. "Oops, I'm not sorry, baby" Amara flipped her and we 4 laughed out.

That's my besties.

"Stop being so nervous because when mason gonna laid his eyes on you.. he won't be able to take them off" Melanie smirked. "His hands as well" Ciara winked at me causing my cheeks to heated up. I bite down on my lip nodding my head smiling.

Right, Mason won't be able to take his eyes off me.. as well as his hands too.

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