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Chapter- 51

Ellie's PoV ~

"I can't believed it. His own father did this with him?" I asked confused and surprised. He smirked before taking a sip of his drink. "How could a father-"

"This isn't anything to be surprised sweetheart"


"Mason's father is a real bastard. He can do anything. I'm not surprised by this" He said turning around to face me. His grey beautiful eyes meet mine.

I looked down taking a deep breathe.

"He has only 6 months left Marcello. I want him to have his all memories back" I said quietly before meeting his eyes once again. He remained silent as his eyes never left mine. His eyes were searching something in mine.

"You love him a lot, no?" He smirked.

"Of course I do"

"But he always keep hurting you Rose" he put the glass down on the desk. I looked down realising he was saying truth. But Mason always had a reason  behind that too.

"He does that to keep me safe-"

"Safe? You're too innocent Rose" He lightly chuckle. "He's also a bastard just like his father"

I pressed my lips together. How dare him.

"I'm not here to talk about this shits Marcello" I strictly replied crossing my arms over my chest. "I know Mason very well"

"Alright as your wish sweetheart"

I rolled my eyes.

"Will you help me or not? If yes then I'll be grateful to you and if not then I'm leaving. I don't want to waste my time here"

He tilted his head, thinking for a few mins.

"I'll help you.. but.. what will I get in return?" He smirked.

Bastard. Of course he'll need something in return.

"You always need something in return?"

He chuckled.

"Of course sweetheart. I'm not that so good person you know. I always take something in return"

I pressed my lips together.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

His eyes checked me from up to down before he licked his lips.

"Better not be what the fuck I think it it" I said, crossing my arms and looking at him sceptically. Marcello smirked before stepping away and picking up the gun that was laid down on the desk. I watched him curiously as he held it, examining it. He moved closer to me as his grey eyes filled with nothing but lust meet mine. Suddenly his strong arms were wrapped firmly around my waist pulling me more closer to him. I stumbled against his chest.

"You think very low of me, Tesoro" Marcello whispered, his face only inches away from mine. A sexy smirk playing on his face. His eyes studying me.

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