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Mason Williams ~

Ring Ring*

My phone was constantly ringing.

The sun was shining through the curtains as I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital bed. Damn. My head was pounding so hard. I gently sat up and found Amara asleep on the couch. I ran my hands through my hair, attempting to relieve the ache in my head. Until I immediately remembered the moment before I went unconscious.


My eyes quickly began to search for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't wait to see her. God. I really missed her. That's when the doctor and Antonio entered the room. They both gave me a welcoming smile.

"Mr Williams, this is a miracle." "You got all of your memories back." Doctor said. "This was such a difficult case. We thought it would be difficult to get you to recover, but I believe you are God's favorite child" he continued.

Everything made no sense. Nothing made sense to me. I lost my memories? But how exactly? When? I stared at Antonio, confused.

"I've prescribed your medicines and if you wish, you can leave today Mr Williams" he said as he handed me a pill. "Take it as well. It will relieve your headache"

"Thank you" I mumbled staring down at the pill. I was completely confused. All I could think of was Ellie. I was becoming more and more desperate to see her. Doctor said something to Antonio and left the room. Amara had already awoken.

"Thank goodness, Mason. You made a full recovery. We were all so worried about you," she said softly as she hugged me. "Ellie will be so happy to see you".

"Where's Ellie?" I asked as she pulled away. "I need to see her" I desperately said.

"She was here all the time since the day you fell unconscious Mason. She went home just few hours ago to get fresh" Amara answered. I took a deep breathe. I was having stress and anxiety. Something wasn't feeling right.

I hope Ellie is alright.

Antonio patted on my shoulder giving me a smile. "We're so happy. We got our Mason back"

"What the hell is going on Antonio? What are you guys talking about? And why am I in hospital?" I asked. I couldn't understand anything. "The last thing I remember is being in a car accident"

"Mason It's been 7 years. After the car crash. We lost you. We looked for you everywhere. We had almost given up hope that you were still alive. And then one day you returned. But you lost all of your memories"

My eyes grew widened.

What the fuck. Seven years? Fucking seven years passed?? Wait- what.

"What the fuck. You got to be kidding me Antonio? I'm not in fucking mood for jokes" I muttered causing him to sighed. "You're telling me, I got back after fucking seven years later? So, where was I throughout those seven years?"

I move my gaze to Amara and she nodded her head.

"This is true Mason. I know this is very hard for you to believe but we can't deny the reality" She whispered and gently squeezed my shoulder.

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